If I see Jordan or Comer on Hannity one more time, I'll barf

And hire who?

But by his own admission he only hires the best!!! The only time I saw criticism of his picks from the MAGA crowd on here was once they fell out of favor with Trump.

But we know with Trump he is never accountable or held accountable, its always someone elses fault. Someone failed him or betrayed him. Trump doesnt fail others fail trump :roll_eyes: which is why I call it a cult.


Never heard of him.
Someone related?

If you knew who he was …you would probably shake his hand and say thank you.

President Chester A. Arthur signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act into law on January 16, 1883, which established that most federal government positions should be awarded based on merit rather than political patronage. The act also made it illegal to fire or demote some government officials for political reasons, and provided for the selection of some government employees by competitive exams

Cuz even at that time, he could see the craziness of the left that would eventually create DEI? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was created to get rid of corruption, as there was far too much unqualified people getting positions by bribing, and/or just using connections to get plum jobs.

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act,essentially created the alleged deep state bureaucracy you complain about…

There’s bound to be any number of people far superior to Wray in every way available.

That’s not how this works. He will hire the next one on DOJ’s list. It’s a closed system.

The problem with what they are doing is trying to prove the difference between corruption, which literally defines how Washington works, and illegallity. Corporations, foreign governments, etc., buy off politicians all the time through various means, which is why it’s difficult to prove a quid pro quo. This corruption has now become part of the system and the politicians are more than happy to keep it this way.

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Comer: So, it’s okay, it’s okay for, as Tony Bobulinski said, for China to bribe Joe Biden’s family with $9 million?

Raskin: But that’s the lie that’s been discredited. I mean, what — where is your impeachment investigation if… If Joe Biden took a $9 million bribe from China, why aren’t you impeaching him for that?

> Comer: Who says we’re not?

Raskin: Well, I can invite [Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL)] to come back in. Do you want to move for impeachment today? Because I thought that that was your main agenda item. You said it was the paramount priority of the committee.

Who says we’re not? Maybe they are waiting for an October surprise impeachment, otherwise, clowns.

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It really is a clown show. Politically I can understand them waiting for October but then they run the risk of the dems hammering home a message of the republicans playing politics by waiting so long.

If there is evidence Biden took a bribe then he needs to be removed from office asap. But innuendo and speculation are not evidence.

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I am sorry that’s not the most important part of the video. It’s just not

It’s the intern standing in the back holding up a giant reprint of a tweet because Congress ran out of easel stands so there are just two hands handing three midair :joy:

Speak for yourself. In private enterprise people typically don’t take the 5th when they get a windfall of cash. Should he start answering questions?

Which member of the Biden family pled the 5th?

I used it as a figure of speech because they won’t talk about it or explain anything.
Would you like to hear an explanation for why the big guy got ten percent, why a dozen family members got huge kickbacks, why he had a foreign prosecutor fired, why he needed 20 shell companies, what exactly they did to earn those millions?

These are pretty basic questions. I’m sure you would like to see them answered rather than ignored.

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Why would it matter if he did?

Hunter Biden talked about it

To Congress

After which the house of reps said they don’t have the evidence to present tot he American people sufficient for impeachment.

Even though they can impeach Biden for looking at them funny.

Weird right?

Yet you keep asking these questions because it’s easier to buy into innuendo and accuse people engaged in private enterprise of all sorts of things because their family members ran for political office with a party you oppose.

Yeah private enterprise is only for people you support. We all get that.


Innuendo works.

Like the “Big Guy” thing.

There isn’t any real evidence that Joe Biden is the big guy. It could have been Hunter taking a bigger cut for himself.

But even if Joe Biden was the “big guy” … the deal in question was being put together in 2017 when Joe Biden was a private citizen. … so why does it matter?

Also the “big guy” thing doesn’t carry with it that the deal fell apart because Hunter Biden got pissed at Bobulinski trying to involve Vilktor Vekelsberg in the deal.

Who did he say the big guy was?

The deal was being put together in 2017.

Why does it matter?