If I see Jordan or Comer on Hannity one more time, I'll barf

Comer had stated he was not gonna persue impeachment any more instead concentrate on criminal referrals that would be ready for Trump DOJ. He has turned into a Shifty clone.

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How could Obama stop Comer and Jordan from holding Biden accountable for his many egregious crimes?

Can you expand on the Obama comment please?

I’ve been saying for a long time here that the Left are better chess players.
They have put in key places in Gov. their OWN corrupt people, they’ve veponized our key institutions, DOJ and the courts, and no matter what you try to do it hits a dead end.
THEIR people get off scot free the opposition is taken to the guilotine and everyone worth their salt can SEE that but not many’re willing to ADMIT it.
Some even pretend everything is cool and ask questions about it with a straight face.
If, ever since Hillary got off with no punishment, if you still truly don’t see that you must be in some serious denial.
Can’t you see that the fix is in?
And yes !!! The last election is in that mix too.

That’s even better

What office in the House of Representatives does Obama hold

What does any of this have to do with the House of Representatives holding an impeachment vote?

No part of the doj or anyone else prevents them from voting to impeach

He has Biden’s presidency and the rest of the country by the gonads.

How does that stop the house from voting to impeach Biden?

There is a lot of stonewalling going on.
At the same time all Trump’s cangaroo court cases are speed-dielled and pushed with lightning speed.
I don’t believe your common sence talent is missing that.

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All of this is just ranting.

The republicans in the house said that there is not enough to impeach

You as those who vote for them were had. Again.
And for some reason the trump court cases are back in the picture

None of them stop the house from voting to impeach.

The Right do not have enough majority by their own making too.
They’re too busy eating their own to prove they’re taking a “high” road.
All they get is a bloody nose.

Of course they do. They have the majority in the house.

I confess: I didn’t see the Obama-angle coming.

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It’s been making its rounds here. Part of it was Michele running for office but for the most part it’s the fact that they share aides - it means that Obama is controlling this presidency.

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We have issues with the government…mostly due to legalized bribing empowered by the SCOTUS.

The R’s have already stated they plan on only bringing in people who are loyal to Trump, and the R party…to work in the bureaucracy .

Basically, Trump and company want to eliminate this:

President Chester A. Arthur signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act into law on January 16, 1883, which established that most federal government positions should be awarded based on merit rather than political patronage. The act also made it illegal to fire or demote some government officials for political reasons, and provided for the selection of some government employees by competitive exams

Do you know why that was created?

Republicans no longer know how to govern…so they just muck of the waters…and blame democrats.

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Or they stopped kissing his ass. He can’t have that!

Are you speaking about Leonard Leo?

That was my takeaway a while ago. Go on cable media every day, when they ask for evidence of a crime you say it’s all around us and there’s so much of it. And now Schiff is in line to be a senator. People expect the results to match the rhetoric.

The GOP runs the house.

They are stonewalling themselves?