If I see Jordan or Comer on Hannity one more time, I'll barf

If they had evidence they would impeach.

Thye have not impeached.

Therefore they have no evidence.


He didn’t last time. He won’t this time. “He” can’t.

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They barely have majority in the house. They don’t have the Senate, they don’t have the WH, they don’t have the DOJ.

It’s like David and Goliath.

The House is limited - they can investigate, make recommendations, but they can’t prosecute.

Puking and complaining is easy ------ anybody can do that, ---- helping to elect Conservative Senators, House members and President takes some effort.

They can vote on impeachment. They have the majority in the house

It’s everybody else’s fault. Always.

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Sure he can.

Firing Wray and Garland would be a start.

He was naive about who all the swamp was first time.

Who was the last president to not nominate his own ag?

I just don’t understand why posters keep bringing up Garland. He is gone the moment Trump is sworn in.

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No, he can’t. He fired Comey. He hired Wray.

Plus if there was clear evidence that Biden abused his office for his own personal gain, I would urge my Representative to vote for impeachment.

I would walk the 20 minutes to Schumer’s residence and join in on whoever is protesting to convict the President.

The excuse that they don’t have the votes is simply cover that they don’t have the evidence.


There, there…ya feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel better? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Our federal government is corrupt…on BOTH sides of the aisle. The good news is they’re beginning to get discouraged by the MAGA movement and are leaving. Say bye Ken Buck. Because he didn’t vote to impeach Mayorkas, does not make Mayorkas any less guilty and NYC is proof…right in your backyard.

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I wish House Republicans would focus on policy issues rather than endless investigations that clearly won’t go anywhere. All this fracas has done is give the Democrats cover on just about every issue, and they have vulnerabilities across the board.

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The Senate and the rest of the Left are all corrupt.
They stall they hold back or hide the evidence.
Slim majority on the Right is of no help.
It’s a waste of time to even try anything.
Look at Majorka’s…went nowhere.

[quote=“SpadeMarlowe, post:73, topic:246829, full:true”]


Come on, thats a lazy answer and a response we see when conservatives do not do something they promised. They were stopped or coopted by the deep state.

Trump (or was it really Bannon) embedding the idea of the “deep state” in his supporters minds was political genius. No matter if his supporters in the house or Trump himself fails to deliver then its the fault of the deep state.

The deep state is the rights version of the 1984 character Emmanuel Goldstein. Everything is neatly blamed on the deep state and the supporters are constantly indoctrinated to hate the deep state and seek it out.

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See @Nemesis :joy:

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So Comer is in on it … amazing

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This makes no sense. For months Comer and Jordan have been talking about the evidence they were going to present and now nothing. Has the senate corruption just now come to light?

Maybe just maybe the simplest explanation is the right one and that the evidence is not as strong as they have been saying or maybe what evidence they were sure they were getting did not pan out?


Right except that it’s an election year and if they were to hold impeachment hearings they would effect the Biden campaign…… but of gourde the only plausible reason why the right isn’t doing anything is because of how corrupt the left is :joy:

So because of the seante, Comer shouldn’t present real evidence of corruption?

He will fire Wray if he gets back in.

Like i said before he was naieve about some of those people the first time.

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[quote=“Nemesis, post:75, topic:246829, full:true”]

Ok…not deep state.