If I see Jordan or Comer on Hannity one more time, I'll barf

Good points. :+1:

The question is what is the family “business”?

We know they don’t manufacture anything.

They don’t own any businesses such as restaurants, groceries, etc.

So what are they recieving millions for???

Seems to be only one answer imo.

Ok…list them, and the source of the income you claim.


And the answer is almost certainly that Hunter and James Biden used the fact that they were close relatives of the former Vice President of the US and potentially future President of the US to get cushy positions with companies who wanted to curry favor or bolster their image.


I wish Hunter and James had more integrity.

Sort of like Jared Kushner getting $2B from the Saudis. Its Gross.

Doesn’t mean Jack **** about Joe Biden.


That is what is comically sad about all of this.

The concern only goes one way.

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The Democratics-the party that defends old, rich, white racists who use their family members for emoluments.

What happened…

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If the GOP congress were to take this oppurtunity to look into the issue of nepotism and family members cashing in on their last name in order to profit and devise ways to make that process transparent… I would be behind them 100% on this.

But that isn’t what they are doing.


If there were so much evidence of Biden being crooked, it would have been presented by now. Jordan and Comer are inept idiots and are representative of the Republican party, which is why they keep losing elections.


This may be true but “free stuff” and dumbed down electorates sure buys a lot of votes.
If the Dims were so confident of their “freedom and democracy” tripe why do they then find it necessary to facilitate the nearly 10-13 million illegal invaders into the country, ignore existing immigration laws and work tirelessly to get them voting rights?


Because white people are moving to the republican party.



Dude, make sure you take them out before throwing your pants in with the dirty clothes! I just ran a whole checkbook through the washing machine.

If I see Joe and Mikka, Joy Reid, or the View anywhere any more I will Barf.

Remember my friend…the swamp is deep, ingrained, embedded and has permeated to areas not yet known. My hope is that Trump learned a lot from his first term and truly will drain the swamp.

I know, I know.

I have a dream. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Maybe he can drain at least part of that ocean deep swamp.

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Put that evidence on the table, baby!,


It already has been but libs have their heads in a dark place.

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When is the impeachment vote? Is comer in on it too?

Your eyes wide open can’t differentiate between innuendo and appearance and actual evidence but it’s the libs fault.

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Whether there is or there isn’t, does not exonerate Biden.

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Hahaha of course it does

The discussion is of an investigation for purposes of impeachment. They can impeach him for eating ice cream incorrectly. But they don’t have the evidence to present to the American public

You were had again. All they have is supposition and innuendo that they can present to you through your media sources. To keep you seething but not to actually keep you informed


This response so perfectly encapsulates your entire shtick about having eyes wide open. Just sheer perfection. Predisposition isn’t perception.