If Biden is inaugurated on January 20, should impeachment hearings start on January 21?

If the Republicans should take control of the HoR, then yes.

That’s the new precedent set by the radical left.

Enjoy the state of politics they’ve thrust upon us.

If Biden is inaugurated on January 20, should impeachment hearings start on January 21?

If the GOP runs the House? Absolutely.


Christopher Wray has to go.

Given that impeachment proceedings begin in the House, and the near impossibility of the GOPers winning a majority, there could be video of Joe Biden mounting a ten year old child on the White House lawn and he would be safe from repercussion.

He wasn’t acting as POTUS during this so an impeachment is not the answer but…an indictment, a thorough investigation and a trial is appropriate. You know…the same thing that would happen to anyone of us here in HannityLand? This two tier system of justice has GOT TO STOP!

Does it matter that he was not president when this happened? Because that is all we have been told by Trump’s faithful about his past.

An indictment for what, exactly?

Why would they have?

Remember we learned during the Trump administration…

No indictment…

No Trial…

While in office.

All that would have to wait until after Presdient Biden left office.

Not a chance, with a dem House and Senate.

No. Why should that be the case?

Ron Johnson said the investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden will continue if Biden is elected.

The public has a right to know the truth. Much of the evidence of criminal activity by the Democrats will be released before this Administration’s term has ended.

Sources have told Fox News that ‘the big guy’ is a reference to the former vice president.

One email, dated May 13, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, includes a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.

The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details. Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.

Sources told Fox News that “the big guy” is a reference to the former vice president. The New York Post initially published the emails and other controversial messages that Fox News has also obtained.

What is Trump impeached the day after his inauguration? Hint the answer is no.

Ron Johnson might not have much say.

Exactly! Just like how the sudden it looked away when Trump asked a foreign country to meddle in our elections. You get it.

Because the next administration would be a Communist Dictatorship?

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So anonymous sources are good now? I can’t keep up.

Not anonymous. Bold in my post: Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.

Try harder.

I’m sorry, could you point out the name in the quote other than the reporting news agency?

Thank you.