If 51 votes are enough to confirm a supreme court justice

keep thinking that. it’ll be kinda funny watching liberals call for the invasion of the republic of texas


go ahead and make pr and dc states and see.

end of the republic

Why would we do that Ted Cruz just gave the state the last little nudge it needed to go blue…Texas is not going anywhere


Or a Congress?
Just select a leader for life based on the 51% vote of unverifiable mail in ballots to run everything.

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The Senate shouldn’t exist. Rich people affirmative action.

The Senate was the condition under which states agreed to form a Federal Government of limited powers.
I know, its all irrelevant old history junk now.
51% and absolute power over everybody.

They sure are irrelevant now. Get rid of the lot.

lol… keep dreaming.

believe whatever you wish. mark what i sat here. the day democrats succeed in making pr and dc states will mark the beginning of the dissolution. it will be nothing like last time. while there will be some regionalization to it, every state will see its share of violence. the coastal elites will be hard pressed enough to suppress thier own disaffected populations never mind invade others. martial law will be declared everywhere, rebellion and revolt will be everywhere. i’m not calling for this to happen, but it will, and theres nothing that will prevent it. if you think freedom loving people will lay down and be ruled by leftists on the coasts, you are deludiung yourself.

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That would be a country. However, it would not be The United States of America.
Perhaps the North American Soviet would suffice?


Excellent. If someone asks where "cancel culture’ and “critical theory” is headed, I now have the answer.


[quote=“DougBH, post:53, topic:238717, full:true”]


you are free to live in whatever state of denial you wish.

go ahead and make dc and pr states. it won’t take long, dissolution will follow.

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Are they supposed to just keep sending us money without any representation?

it took a deal to get alaska and hi in. one that maintained a certain sense of equilibrum. pr and dc will do no such thing. they will permanently tilt the senate left. it would be a naked power grab. totally different.

We are blatantly using them just for money.

How many of these seceding Red States literally financially rely on the United States military to exist?