Idiot Cuomo makes a threat he cannot back up

Just throwing this out there…this was about small pox vaccination in Boston in 1905.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.

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Madness. Freud apparently wasn’t wrong about the thanotic urge.

:rofl: Are you kidding me? Ya’lls reaction to accusations of conspiracy theories is almost always the Russian thing… yet the list of conspiracy theories among the right is mighty long.

That’s what they are going for again. It “worked” for them last time.

People are so pissed now off that they are burnt toast in the mid terms without some hanky panky.

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…libs ate from that trough for 3 years and some…still are. Just sayin…

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They have to…its their only path to victory.

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Exactly. :+1:

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The only people I hear talking about Trump and Russia these days are on the right. Just sayin…

If I kept talking about it for another year, I’d still have a year to go just to catch up. Are you comprehending just how bad libs were sheoplized?

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There is no more greater population “sheoplized” by biased media than current right wing. There’s no constructive thinking, they all just parrot the right wing talking points put out by the conservative media complex.

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Agreed. If they are not, then people need to know when to move on. Trying to force people to agree is not productive.



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Nope. That’s not what he said. He isn’t handing out a phone number for people to call if they need a ride. He said he would go to their houses and get them regardless if they have asked. He’s not “helping” anyone. Nobody is claiming that they want a shot but can’t get one.

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“We have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, put them in cars & drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”

No one is being forced against their will to get a shot.

Really? So what is this “right wing media” you speak of?

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media

The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media [INFOGRAPHIC] (

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Conservative talk radio
Fox News
National Review
PJ Media
Daily Caller
The Blaze
The Federalist
The Washington Times
The Examiner
The Daily Wire
Steven Crowder

Yes legal easily accessible voting is liberal path to victory.

Those evil Libs

mailing it in?

Do you know why there isn’t much liberal talk radio? Nobody wants to hear these crybabies constantly whine about how horrible America is.

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Right wing radio is crybabies constantly whining about how horrible America is. They just couch it in the false notion that the part of American they are claiming is horrible isn’t really “America”, which is of course nonsense.

If you want to argue that right-wing talking heads are better than left-wing talking heads into riling up their base, you won’t get much argument from me.

Maybe left wing political talk radio failed because the left prefer to get their commentaries without childish nicknames and yelling into a mic?

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