Idiot Cuomo makes a threat he cannot back up

But people listen to it. Getting people to listen to left wing jibberish is almost as hard as getting them to show up at a Biden rally. What are your clowns doing wrong then? You tell me.

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That’s how mail ballots work.

I don’t think biased emotional political commentary is a good thing to listen to unless its art, so the question is what are “us clowns” doing right.

[quote=“fallenturtle, post:85, topic:239731”]

Maybe we could have left wing radio explain how flooding the country with millions of unscreened illegals is exactly what we need right now. Yeah, that would make for some excellent programming!

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Right wing commentary pretending to be left wing commentary != left wing commentary

I do make an excellent point though. Right? Your guys suck. Which is why they can’t compete.

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We don’t suck, we just have better taste.

Ahhhhhh…so very little on national television. Thanks. That’s what I thought.

I never said anything about television.

“Turn me on deadman.”

“I buried Paul.”

Doesn’t get clearer than that.

Many of those you posted, I’ve never even heard of and certainly do not compare to the national impact of ABC, NBC, CBS or the NYT. Comparing the two as anywhere near equal, is being ignorant of the actual truth happening all around us.

Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean they aren’t having a large influence on the right wing populace, especially younger conservatives who get their news online vs in print or over the air… and of course older conservatives listen to talk radio and watch Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax.

Comparing the two as anywhere near equal, is being ignorant of the actual truth happening all around us.

Being ignorant of the truth is the mission objective of most right wing commentary masquerading as news. It’s not remotely equal… right wing media far exceeds that of the main stream media or the left wing media when it comes to pushing out misinformation and conspiracy theories.

The main stream media, and even the news side of Fox News, try to have some semblance of integrity and when they do get something wrong, usually correct it. Are they perfect? Of course not, but they are more dependable then Tucker Carlson or “Tyler Durden”. Of course you’ll deny this because many on the right have been “sheoplized” into believing that the main stream media is no more dependable than the yellow journalism many on the right swear by.

Attempting to compare the lib giants I listed that are propagating their narrative, to these much smaller sources is being in denial of the truth of what I said…period.

Yesterday in my neighborhood there were young volunteers handing out free masks and asking if you have been vaccinated.

It was tyrannical fascism.

Or something.

After Cuomo’s misguided debacle costing the lives of tens of thousands of the elderly, does anyone find it uncanny that some folks distrust that chooch?
Couple that with his dumbass brother getting daily face time on the tele it’s like a 1-2 punch of stupid!


“GoP Voter Suppression” is another popular Left wing conspiracy theory. As is “The Jan 6 2021 Insurrection forcefully to seize the levers of political power”.

There were not tens of thousands. He murdered those elderly. There weren’t tens of thousands.

Has the actual true number ever been revealed?

I agree with the murder assignment. What then is the exact number of elderly the ■■■■■■■ is responsible for murdering?

Those at the riot called it a revolution

A Republican was caught on video about ten years ago stating that the goal at the time was to reduce turnout to ensure that they always control the state legislature. But yes i agree though that not every law is voter suppression