I thought Obama was smarter than this

These are buzzword talking points, not substantive discussion.

Why should I care about Israel?

Thank you for proving my point!

Why should I care about Israel?

DNC Personified.

Why should you care about Palestine?

I expect a different answer.

You didn’t answer the question.

White people


Correct. It supports my contention that it wasn’t “WHITE MEN!”

The numbers to support my conclusion that something has changed aren’t out yet.

What Question?

Why should you care about Israel?

Better question why do you care about Palestine?

Expect a different answer.

So - again - it’s a feeling.


You still didn’t answer the question.

What question?

Why should I care about Israel?

Because it is a core state in a sea of gap.

Ok, at least you answered.

Why should I care about that?

Because it’s a middle eastern country surrounded by other countries who wish us dead. Israel is the only Aly you can count on.

How does the location of the US Embassy matter, if that’s your frame?

Because if the core doesn’t support each other, it washes out to sea.

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Because it’s where Israel wanted it to be and we kept filibustering it.

Why does what Israel wants matter, when it comes to the location of the US Embassy?

It has a legitimizing effect.

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Wow I can’t believe you just asked that question.