I thought Obama was smarter than this

Mutual recognition.

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What does it legitimize?

Answer it.


The government of the host nation. Sovereignty.

They’re cashing our checks just fine.

Not a uniquely Israeli phenomena.


No, I don’t think that’s it.

…so what makes Israel unique?

Why do we care about their feefees more?

What do you think it is?

Embassy’s are about them not us! It’s about recognizing and legitimizing one another.

They don’t want us dead

Numerous things. The Promised Land. The Holocaust. The building they did. Their ability to keep it.


This is myth-building. Emotion.

Israel is just another state.

Hardly. It does evoke emotion.

It evokes emotion to you. Why?

I didn’t say that. I will however answer it anyway.

I’m not proud of the US for ignoring the holocaust for as long as it did. I’m not proud of us for refusing them entry.

Other than that like I said, core in a sea of gap. I don’t care for uncivilized savages running amok.

I will add I admire them for being able to hold on to it.

Without getting into what that has to do with Israel, I think that if you examine the rhetoric of those pitted against intervention and the acceptance of Jewish refugees at the time, and compare it to popular right-wing rhetoric today, you might get an idea as to why American Jews tend towards the left.

Israel is penance.