I thought Obama was smarter than this

DOJ. And it’s worse now.

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I have not done a study, obviously.
Of the violent incidents shown in media in recent months, and there have been several, I can think of one incident where a white male was involved. And he wasn’t too impressive as he was being carried away in a stretcher from what the elderly Asian woman did to him.

Perhaps Obama should have had some documentation before he started making his politically based and divisive claims.

And the funding to appeal to the Black voters were Mormons from Utah, of all things. They were smart to target them, it worked.

Black people aren’t stupid.

Progressives can be very illiberal.

Who said they were? They were targeted with Ads and programs during the Prop 8 lead up specifically because the Mormons knew they could be persuaded, that as a whole they were more biased against Gay Marriage than White Californians.

That doesn’t make them stupid.

White man

So your comment was irrelevant.


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Well I gave you a study in which they analyzed over 4000 news stories. You don’t believe it. That’s fine but I hope you aren’t replacing their study with one off anecdotal evidence.

Your “study” is crap.

Who’s punching Asians and Jews?

I’ll await your study of over 4000 news stories.


It’s going to take a while. I’m posting them one at a time.

You know who’s doing it.

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You have a better one?

White people (90%) and non-Jews

You know.

I have time. I visit everyday.

Once you have your analysis provide it to the Mich team so they can review and update their study.

16 cases of violence where the perpetrator was identified. That is anecdotal, and cherry picked.
Not counting expressions of on line forum writers or politicians that the “study” authors did not approve of as evidence of anything except expressions of first amendment rights.

Good lord isn’t this the guy who refused to relocate the embassy and interfered with their elections? Trying to figure out how the dnc can say the rnc is anti Semitic when its them who support hamas over Israel and support cutting all foreign aid to israel. Rod Serling should have wrote a twilight zone episode about this.

I think you’ll find that the vast majority of American Jews don’t really care where the Embassy is in Israel, or whether Bibi wins an election or not.

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Vast majority of Jews interest is more dnc driven than religiously driven. They could care less what happens to Israel just look at Bernie