I thought Covid was no longer a threat?..Trump campaign seems worried about it

You’ve really lost it my friend.

Because a liability shield is what is literally written on the ticket:

“By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury,” the disclaimer reads.

Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? Keep this question in your head and re-read the thread, and then some of the arguments may fit into a context you weren’t seeing before.

Can Donald shield himself from responsibility for throwing an event than will likely end up transmitting the virus further?

Can you?

Can I?

Can Walmart?

Uh, ghetto lottery?

Go on…

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Because there is a vaccine for the Flu and falling down steps is not contagious.

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Well, if that’s the case, he’s doing really well in the respect department. :wink:

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Don’t ya know? He knows your mind better than you do. :wink:


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Odds are the venue required the waiver.

I want to agree.

Hockey tickets say look out for pucks. Baseball seats warn look out for balls. The menu says the meat and eggs could kill me if undercooked.

But those things are unlikely, and mitigating steps have been put in place besides “not our fault”.

Can Democrat governors and mayors who allowed large gatherings of protesters, rioters, looters and arsonists to flout social distancing and mask guidelines? Can businesse


Can the governors, republican or democrat, be sued for that? No.

Is that a thing you really wondered?


Technically, anyone can sue for anything. But good luck trying to sue the state.

Except those officers and elected officials protected by Sovereign Immunity.

It doesn’t say they hold the venue harmless. It says Trump Corp.

It says both are relieved of liability. Read what has already been quoted above.

True story the acknowledgement is probably completely useless. It can be thrown out by a court or viewed as comparative/contributory. It sure as hell on its own isn’t abar for suit

Good luck with that. Informed consent.

Which goes to comparative. Not an automatic bar. Thanks did you know you can sue a gym if a weight in a machine strikes your hand when you are switching weights. And succeed. In New York anyway.

Maybe in NY.

Fortunately we hold dumbasses liable for their own stupidity.

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I can actually understand why Iraqis wanted to tear down vestiges of Saddam when he was deposed. They actually had lived under his reign of terror.

These virtue signaling morons tearing down statues and monuments in the US haven’t.

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