I see some real problems for the so called Whistleblower

If the conduct is illegal, why is the DOJ not launching an investigation themselves?

Withholding foreign aid in return for a political favor is not abusing the office of the presidency?

There is nothing that rises even close to an abuse. We have seen a lot of angles over the last couple weeks and all I see is forced hot air.


Let’s start with it is a fraud and not a legitimate WB complaint from the start.

Trump is not a part of the Intelligence community and the so called whistler did not follow the process as outlined.

They went to the House Intel committee first bypassing the IG and the Chain of command as outlined at the link I provided.

Which didn’t happen and Biden nor his son are immune to investigation simply because Biden is running for the democratic nomination.

This is what we call a deflection… Let’s say the whistleblower is Joe Biden himself, does that change the fundamental facts of the conduct of the president?

Nothing was withheld by word of the Ukraine and the supporting administration staff.

Forced hot air…


There is no deflection except on your part.

Can you explain why the CIA general counsels criminal referral to the DOJ was not acted upon? That was well before the whistleblower sought other avenues.

Nah, they’ll string along the inquiry until the election, if he wins and Democrats hold the house, then there will be an actual impeachment.

Then the administration should have no problem releasing all the work products of their “review” and the full transcript of the call.

There was no criminal referral.

Separation of powers, there would be no legitimate legislative purpose served by the request.

They may try but it’s a house of cards built without using any glue. Sooner or later it collapses and implodes.

Except for what the CIA general counsel considered a criminal referral?

Good luck in court…

A phone call is not a criminal referral. It was a phone call, discussion, and questions, it was not a criminal referral.

I don’t need any luck, I won’t be a party to any of the cases.

Easy to resolve and I’m sure they will… Have her testify under oath… coming soon…

It’s already resolved, there was no criminal referral.