I Predict Biden Will be Replaced Before the Election

Whoever is in power right now wants to stay in power. But Biden is deteriorating fast. They have to replace him. Because right now a vote for Biden is a vote for someone else. It’s obvious he is barely among the living physically and mentally.

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Woke lib flies. Smacking their lips probably.

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A sock puppet is actually better for them at this stage.



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Hey. The new homosexual flag.

They should paint that in the middle of the road.


Or is that just a pic of him getting ready for a meeting with Iran?

He was supposed to be a transitional president, and then ran for a second term. I predict he stays, and if he loses, a lot of bitterness and finger pointing by the party. If he wins, a lot more clips and insults.

If they think only Biden can win, what does that say about the party?

Rhetorical question.


Any parent of any boy recognizes that posture and knows exactly what it means.


Joe’s about to take a shower with hunter?

Change of drawers.

Libs are a bunch of sick weirdos.

Also, let me tell you about my Biden bowel movement fan fiction.

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As I stated earlier, I think he is just getting ready to go into a meeting with Iranian officials.

I think only Biden thinks that.

The DNC refused to recognize delegates in the New Hampshire primary in an obvious move to protect Biden.



The last thing they wanted was a repeat of 1968.



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The fix must be in.
NOONE…I mean noone is that stupid to roll out a cartoon for a general election and expect to win.
Plus…the Left never lets a crisis go to waste.
So there must be a plan B in the works.

Making mockery out of Presidential election this way they have provided yet another proof that they have NO regard, love or respect for this Nation and her Peoples.
Dem. Party has reduced itself to a bunch of hoodlooms and highway robbers.


Were any delegates afforded to primary candidates in 2020 in the Republican primary?

Have you seen the polls Biden is down 1 point. Your reality is yours and yours alone.

Biden looking horrible. even more and more

the P word is being used. i know these symptoms….

in all seriousness i will be surprised if he stays in race. even more surprised if he keeps office afterwards.

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Sometimes a caption isn’t even needed.

The look says it all.




Agreed 100%. I think there is zero chance Biden isn’t replaced. Because they might as well just use a cardboard cutout of him. Millions of people will still vote for the cardboard cutout. It will also not embarrass itself.

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