I Predict Biden Will be Replaced Before the Election

I know. It’s shocking. That means Democrats would vote for a roll of toilet paper if it ran for President. As long as the roll was a Democrat.

If the roles were reversed, zero chance I vote for a zombie. I wouldn’t vote for Biden, but I would not vote for a candidate clearly in the last stages of dementia. Because who am I voting for? People voting for Biden must be ok with someone unknown. They have to know Biden isn’t going to be President.


It also shows how many people dislike President Trump.

I don’t disagree with the rest of your post.

I stand by my assessment that the biden (p)residency has been an exercise in elder abuse.


He’s basically a cardboard cutout with a painted on goofy smile. He needs to be escorted out of every event to prevent him from getting lost. They better jack him up with an entire bottle of Adderall if the expect him to make it through the debate.

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there’s that name again…. they never go away

“No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton? At 76, she might want no part of it, but it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done. If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track. It’s just a thought, but worse ideas have met with regrettable success.“


remember to act surprised

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Have you noticed the dems have no new faces. No new ideas. They talk about pulling Biden and not about who would replace him.


yes i have. the ones who stand out have king/queen complexes. their media adores them because they’re just as stupid

they sit secretly hoping and praying to their climate gods that hillary or newsome or michelle steps in.

they cant admit it because that exposes their true feelings about biden!

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Personally, I’ll take Roy Cooper or Josh Shapiro.

And yet again, Biden’s brain malfunctions:


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I felt so from the beggining.
His handlers are guilty of a crime.



Because they show exactly the same thing. :wink:


Did he just crap his pants?

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I don’t know the time limit to replace him, not sure if it’s something they could pull off without his full cooperation. He does look bad and I really don’t mean that disrespectfully it’s sad watching it anyone in advanced years.

I think it’s likely we would see a president Harris not sure how that will turn out shed a little odd but she doesn’t seem to be suffering from dementia.

She seems not to be very smart naturally…

She’s suffering from “Dumber than a Box of Rocks Syndrome”.


This is a strange election. When was the last time we saw someone run for President where we knew he wasn’t going to be President? Anyone voting for Biden knows that’s not who is going to be President. Who is? Who are you voting for? They are just voting against Trump. That vote never wins over enthusiasm for a candidate.


This post could be one from the bumped prediction thread.

To be blunt, I always vote against any Democrat. I haven’t yet been faced with the circumstance that the Dem’s opponent was so horrible that s/he was actually worse than the Dem.

So I can fully understand someone with principles opposite to mine doing the same with respect to Repub candidates. Someone might find Trump’s position on issues so reprehensible that a demented Biden (and whoever is running him behind the scenes) would still be better to him.

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In his diaper. In public.

It’s called “poopy pants.”

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