I Predict Biden Will be Replaced Before the Election

According to reports this isn’t the first time. He’s old, everything is failing. It’s not hard to believe he’s also incontinent. They probably use paddles to wake him up every morning. IMO he was whisked away because he crapped himself. He always has a dementia related issue.


Oprah :joy::joy:. Michelle!

This is so silly.

You guys really do need to write books

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Yeah a reporter asked him about it the other day and he asked the reporter if he was ok.

If he had fallen on his head or anything.

He would have to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

How can you replace someone who isn’t even there in the first place?


I believe Obama-ites are running the country.

Obama’s third term and what a mess he is making of it!!


Of course it is.

Rent free for a decade and a half.


If Trump is so horrible then Whitmer or Harris should be able to win easy.


oh my…

time for Michelle yet?

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any worse than Booker?

He is not ready i don’t think.

May be Wes Moore but that’s all imagination.

:rofl:. yeah “ready” that’s impt

Obama was though huh?

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I don’t think he was either. I think he learned on the job pretty well though.

Of course he made a lot of mistakes. But he was not ready.

while you ran breathlessly to the polls…. lol

like a sprinter in the last 200m

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Don’t assume.

I did not vote him in 2008. But i did support him after he got elected no question. Voted for gary Johnson in 2012.

you didnt want to be “part of history” too?

Ha. :upside_down_face:

With Hunter’s conviction, getting him to flip against the “big guy” becomes a real possibility.

That could quickly create pressure for Joe to end his re-election campaign.

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More likely Joe is an “unnamed, unindicted co-conspirator”.

Things could get bad for Biden really quickly if the mainstream media actually starts to report some of the evidence that is already public. They only have about eight weeks before the nomination, so things have to break loose soon to meet the deadline.

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of course

that has always been true though.