I Predict Biden Will be Replaced Before the Election

It travels through the intertubes and splashes out of unprotected monitors too.


if Biden is replaced before the election, I’m sure millions and millions of others will be replaced as well…

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Because all that matters is power. So long as they believe Biden will help them retain it, you won’t hear any naysaying.


So then who in their right mind would push Biden unless the Deep State is actualy running the country from the shaddows and jerking Biden around like a puppet…


His aides and staff aren’t the deep state.

You don’t need a complex ethereal enemy that needs to be defeated (well some people do). Things are a lot simpler than that.

The president is mainly a figurehead at this point, regardless of who is in office. Trump’s attempts to actually be the chief executive as mandated by the constitution provoked four years of massive resistance, coup attempts, and disregard for presidential orders.

In the case of Biden, he was selected during the rigged 2020 Democratic primaries. Biden was already neck deep in corruption in Ukraine, and igniting a proxy war in Ukraine has been a top deep-state priority for over a decade.

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If they came from the bureaucracy, which most of them did, they are bureaucrats.


Look at the current WH CofS.

Imagine someone so emotionally invested in being an NPC that no one even knows exists. :rofl:


Biden won’t cooperate if they try.

The very definition.

Sometimes a stint in academia for training.

Who then is running the country?
Not the skirts around him for sure.

The answer is in my post. Who are the skirts??

He’s too senile to be prosecuted by the lib DoJ for the many laws he broke but in libville mentality, he’s ok to be POTUS.


He’s already crapping his pants on stage.

i’m not sure he’s doing that

but it doesnt matter. he’s so robotic and clumsy, confused and in a constant haze, one (who isnt trump deranged) wonders how competent he is

It’s so astounding that that doesn’t even matter anymore that shows you how deranged they are


You can look up the video. He was led away shortly after by his wife.


lol i did see that….

i still think it’s because he’s had some sort of dementia related episode.

like hillary when they log rammed her into the suv after she collapsed, leaving a shoe in the melee.

i still wonder if whoever caught that on vid is still around. .

Ones clossest to him are the wife and the Camel.
Then there is Michelle O…Oprah etc.