I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

And when they are found to have violated the Constitution and caused injury in the process, they are not prosecuted for their lawbreaking acts.


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generation.

I understand a little of both choices.

Several vaccinated individuals in my circle of acquaintance have tested positive for the virus, but all have, or are, recovering at home. None have been hospitalized.

One man who opted out got sick with it, saying his vaccinated fiancée got sicker than he did. They’re both back to work.

My young vaccinated friend who got sick recovered at home. She stated that even though it was unpleasant, she suspects her symptoms would have been worse without it.

I’m probably going to do the booster. What I don’t understand is the argument that it doesn’t totally prevent the virus.

Gee that’s interesting. Get a flu shot, you’re informed that it doesn’t protect against every strain.

Isn’t some protection better than none? I wonder how those who share that POV see artificial birth control?

Hmm, no method is fool proof, so I might as well just take my chances and ■■■■ everything in a 10 block radius using no protection at all.

Such a statement would be written off as insanity, but it’s OK to leave patients and taxpayers in the lurch ‘cause I don’t want a shot :sob:?


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I have my booster appt on Tuesday. Getting Moderna this time.

The Anti-Vaxx crowd wants to claim that it’s due to freedom and government infringement, but I’m seeing more and more of them insult people who may be vaxxed, who aren’t for the mandates, but are just wanting to get to the truth. They don’t like being questioned themselves, or so I’ve observed.

People want to claim there is metal in these vaccines that causes mental illness. My mental illnesses have gotten better, to the point where I am coping and just fine doing that. Sometimes I may need to hide out for a week (or two), but if I do something like visit the cats or another thing that I enjoy, it isn’t that bad anymore. I just have to recharge.

Conflict between people stresses me out especially still, but at least I’m not in a bad place like last year and the 1st half of this year. I haven’t felt this composed since freshman year of college.

I don’t feel the effects of any metal that might be in the vaccine; in fact, I feel so much better now that my immune system is up to snuff thanks to the vaccines. It’s great. I’m not as lethargic or congested, especially in my lungs. Thank goodness for doctors and modern medicine.


That’s because there is no metal in the vaccine.


To a great extent, I agree with him. The vaccine is to protect the vaccinated from ether contracting the illness altogether, or to significantly reduce the severity if you get it (like pretty much every other vaccine I can think of.) If someone doesn’t want to avail themselves of that already-pai-for protection, that’s their right … and their problem should they become infected. We have the right to make our own health decisions and we bear the consequences whatever they may be.

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The key word there is evidence. There is no definitive scientific evidence that any of the Covid vaccines are any more dangerous to the recipients than any other vaccine. The only thing we have on the subject is anecdotal reports and most of those cite unconfirmed coincidences, not actual case studies.

There is no virus in it either. I can’t tell you how many unvaxed people I have talked to are afraid of getting Covid from the vaccine.


Yes. I know. :slight_smile: It’s not my claim.

I went ahead and got Moderna as my 3rd shot (I got Pfizer for the 1st two) on Tuesday.

They gave me a full dose (3mg) of the Moderna because I mentioned I was immunocompromised. After about 10 minutes I got a tingling in my pinky and some soreness that went from my wrist to my shoulder. My arm has been pretty tender, especially around the vaccine site.

I got some labs drawn today to see where my IgG titers are now, 6 months after the pneumoniococcal vaccine.

So far, so good. I am under a great deal of stress with it being at the end of the semester; I am breaking out on my forehead and cheeks. (Suspected, not diagnosed) Endo is flaring up, but I can usually control it if I consume more vitamin C and less red meat. My endometriosis I believe is stress-induced because I don’t know anyone else in my family who has it.

That is my health profile- at least the relevant parts that I’m willing to publish. I’ll tell you all how I’m doing in 2 weeks if the vaccines haven’t killed me yet.

I told my allergist/immunologist about people being suspicious about microchips in the vaccine and he told me that “the conspiracy theories are ■■■■■■■■■ and “people don’t understand how small the virus is.”

I think I’ll believe him.

I stand corrected- my Pfizer shots were .3 mLs, Moderna is .5 mLs.

I started having some chest pain that night but it could be from anxiety(?) I took some Tylenol and everything was fine. So much for myocarditis.

I got my vitals taken and my systolic pressure was 131; which is a bit elevated. It was actually lower than it usually is.

“So much for myocarditis.”

I think you’re the wrong gender for that as far as vaccination recipients go:

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True. I do wonder why men are affected and women are not. Potential area of research.

Well I can tell you they aren’t jabbing me again if they won’t aspirate the injection to see if they hit a blood vessel first. New study about that causing problems with the attenuated virus type vaccines and I suspect it may be the culprit in mRNA shots as well.

What is absolutely sickening about this entire vaccine jabber conversation is, it ignores applying the protection of “strict scrutiny” to government mandated vaccine jabs.

Why are so many so quick to ignore our system’s fundamental legal protections, especially due process, being applied to government actions related to COVID vaccine mandated jabs?


“It is during our most challenging and uncertain moments that our Nation’s commitment to due process is most severely tested; and it is in those times that we must preserve our commitment at home to the principles for which we fight abroad. See Kennedy v. Mendoza&nbhyph;Martinez, 372 U.S. 144, 164—165 (1963) (“The imperative necessity for safeguarding these rights to procedural due process under the gravest of emergencies has existed throughout our constitutional history, for it is then, under the pressing exigencies of crisis, that there is the greatest temptation to dispense with guarantees which, it is feared, will inhibit government action”); see also United States v. Robel, 389 U.S. 258, 264 (1967) (“It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties … which makes the defense of the Nation worthwhile”).”


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generations.

I may take one booster. That might get me thru the remnants of the covid 19 and Delta variant and into the mild new variant.

Democrat Party Leadership’s vaccine mandate slapped down by court

See: Judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for federal contractors
December 7, 2021
"A federal judge on Tuesday blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees of federal contractors, the latest in a string of victories for Republican-led states pushing back against Biden’s pandemic policies.

U.S. District Court Judge R. Stan Baker, in Augusta, Georgia, issued a stay to bar enforcement of the mandate nationwide."

The fundamental right to make one’s own medical decisions and choices is a hallmark of our constitutionally limited “Republican Form of Government”


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generations.

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:+1: :+1: :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap: :grinning:

What I still have yet to figure out is why, after a couple of months into the Covid outbreak and it was established that an identifiable category within our population was vulnerable to the virus, while another group which was being infected, was able to overcome the virus and be left with natural immunity, these facts were mostly ignored when the hand of government started meddled in the lives of the people under the guise of advancing the general welfare.

Additionally, it was also known early on during the outbreak that various treatments, such as the antibody treatment, were extremely effective in dealing with the virus, and yet, the hand of government mostly ignored the importance of treating those infected and instead, imposed draconian lockdowns and rules which any clear thinking person knew would create additional harm to our country. Why?

And to this very day, political decisions are being made and enforced, mostly in Democrat controlled geographical areas that bring additional and unnecessary harm and suffering to the public at large in these areas. Why?

It is almost as if there is a concerted effort to use the Covid outbreak, to bring additional harm and suffering in identifiable political controlled locations. Why?


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generations.

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1 week and 4 days. So far so good.