I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

Tuesday will mark 2 weeks since my booster. Still nothing; although my endo has been flaring up, I’m pretty sure it’s due to stress.

I feel fine, except for stress, which is starting to let up since I’m officially on break.

Vaccinated here I am holding off on booster if this is true about Omicron what is the justification for a boosters every six months against Omicron which is likely to take over. When the shots were giving 80+ percentage of protection I get it and went alone with everyone else getting vaccinated but not this if this turns out to be the case. Might as well take a placebo.

Screenshot 2021-12-12 182919

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Mod Note

Those last three letters are a filter by pass. Don’t do it again.

How many here still have unmolested blood? lol

I’ll give a report on Tuesday.

I’m starting to have mixed feelings about vaccination mandates as two unvaccinated individuals in my circle of acquaintance have recovered at home. It was wrong to even offer shutdowns of “inessential” businesses as an option. If I don’t support lockdowns, I shouldn’t support vaccination mandates.

My contempt for the medical profession stands, though. Health care superheroes, my rear end.

In the Commonwealth, if you’re a color they don’t like, like black, or a physical condition, like Downs Syndrome pre-born infant, they’re running to sign that death certificate.

Make a choice they don’t like, like having a first or other baby after 35, or try weed for pain management, most are up front contemptuous of those choices.

Since they’re such hypocrites as far as respecting differences, including different choices, I don’t care if their employers can them for making a choice they don’t like. The shoe’s on the other foot now.

As Bob Dylan sang, “How does it FEEL?”

I only said I was for the vaccine mandate to see how much further I could piss off the anti-vaxxers. In all honesty, it is a slippery slope.

I do admire healthcare workers in general, they usually go in to help; I want to go into healthcare to help how I know best, but I agree in that there are some rotten apples in healthcare and people who go into it for the wrong reasons.

I think that the toxicity of society is taking over the values of healthcare. With that said I still worry about an outbreak like in July-August, and how something that could have very well been prevented was taking away healthcare from other people who needed it by trying up caretakers.

If we aren’t going to get any other treatments through, people still need to get their vaccines. I am still pro-vaxx as ever.

Oh, I LOVE pissing off anti-vaxxers! :smiling_imp:

A friend on FB, long before COVID-19, showed a “this is my grandson after vaccination” pic. Kid was red and crying and had fever blisters.

Dummy, what do you think you’ll get if he catches chicken pox? Or measles? Mumps? Rubella?

My kid brother had chicken pox far worse than I did and didn’t feel so great after his shingles shot, but even mild shingles is no picnic.

I’m pro vaccination, too, except for HPV vaccination, which is pushed on 12 year olds. If someone can’t understand the difference between being coughed on in an elevator and an STD, I can’t help. Perhaps these individuals need a demonstration with an anatomically correct doll.

I’ve had vaccination and will get the booster shot for COVID-19. Perhaps hospital personnel are seeing worst case scenario with unvaccinated patients.

In my circle of acquaintance, though, even the unvaccinated are recovering at home, so, really, all I can think is small businesses were kicked in the teeth for THIS?! Even my over 50, overweight, diabetic husband experienced fairly mild symptoms (got it after vaccination). So my feelings about mandating this one have become mixed.

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What exactly is your definition of an “anti-vaxxer”?



Heartbreaking testimony of a (former) infectious disease hospitalist who quit seeing patients and is in non-direct-contact work. I’m not going to post a summary and let you all read it for yourselves, because it really is that awful what happened to him.


I teared up when I read this. I know some of you are going to question the validity of the poster, his profession, and his story, but this isn’t too far from what I have been observing.

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2 weeks and one day after vaccine.

I feel fine, except I’m having anxiety and I have chest pain when I start to worry. It’s only when I feel on the verge of a panic attack though.

I think it’s because now that I have the mental and physical capacity to handle things, the reality of what has happened over the past year is starting to set in- I’m reacting the way I usually do, instead of as if I’m in a trance? If that makes sense. I’m no longer trying to run from it subconsciously.

Otherwise, again, I feel fine. I don’t think my anxiety/chest pain is caused by the vaccine.

It’s sad due to the actions of a woman who should have been arrested and kids placed with other family this doctor is no longer practicing. He sounds like one of the decent ones.:frowning:

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Sorry, if you are against the HPV vax, you are anti-vax. And now, if you are against vax mandates, you are anti-vax. So join the club.

Anyone who doesn’t understand the difference between a bacterial or viral infection that is highly contagious and an STD that generally heals itself within a year—not to mention a cancer that hasn’t been particularly common since Pap exams— I can’t help.

No, it doesn’t make me anti-vax and I don’t want to join the club.

I get referred to as anti vax , but I am pro medical freedom.


You don’t get to write the definition.


What difference would that be?

The difference between an STD and something more highly contagious?

I didn’t.

HPV is yet another example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and most of the time it heals itself within one year.

Your argument is lame.

I’m out of here.

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Honestly I wonder if some even read the article referencing a patient who passed from COVID-19.

The part about his widow physically injuring the physician who attended her late husband?

She should have been arrested and the kids temporarily outplaced for that offense, not her vaccination stance.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

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Like I said, you don’t get to write the definition, don’t shoot the messenger.

Likewise, being against vaccine mandates has also been added to the definition of anti-vax.

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Spare me the reddit, if the person who wrote that is really a physician I have no idea how they made it through med school.