I know I am Conservative but Anti-vaxxers are starting to piss me off

100% correct.

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100% partially correct. the cdc’s propaganda is not impressive. it excludes the MILLIONS of people who have already had covid who are protected even better than those who have gotten vaccines.


You’re not pointing out facts. You’re regurgitating stats that have nothing to do with the subject matter…me.

Welcome back!

Having undergone the two part Pfizer vaccine & having side effects from the second shot for a few weeks, I’d much rather be in the health I’m in than in this situation:

Afraid I’m a little sympathetic to those who opt out for reasons like severe allergies. They’re still wearing a mask and not physically getting close to anyone.

Truth be told, I wonder in maybe those COVID 19 patients should be treated in separate sanitariums—much like the TB sanitariums of another era.

More later.

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A bunch of countries cancelled their H1N1 vaccine purchases because by the time they could get any, the disease had already peaked.

Nice to see your post, and it is really well stated. Hope all is well and your studies are coming along.


Not comparable conditions.

I am not for forced government intervention. I think the task of encouraging the vaccine should be left to health providers. It is never a good thing when the government intervenes.

That said, as I gave out, COVID patients, because of the sheer volume, are putting stress on hospitals and ERs.

Did the kid go septic?

Or … IDK … maybe just the ones we have vaccines for.


Can you transit high blood pressure to your immunocompromised neighbor?

Will diabetes, left untreated, develop a vaccine resistant variant that puts the world at square one with the disease?


Your thing might be transmitting a deadly disease to my under 12 kid or immunocompromised parent.

So, no. Sorry.


When there is a vaccine that can prevent those things, sure.

Just let me know when there is a vaccine to prevent those ACL tears, will you?


The choice to continue this pandemic affects us all.

And anyone remember the ground zero mosque? Where as all the ‘just let people do their own thing’ talk then?


Funny, whether you’ve been vaccinated or not, you’re transmitting Covid. Sorry you’ve been fed a line of ■■■■ .:man_shrugging:


Anti-vaxxers are the new “pro-choicers”.

The odds of you carrying a viral load for efficient transmission are higher if you are unvaccinated.

Sorry. Your decisions impact your fellow Americans. I know that’s a lot of responsibility to bear, but with it comes rewards of community.

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Cool, so can I rob a bank without those pesky FBI agents arresting me and throwing me in jail for 20 years?

It’s just me doing my own thing, right?


I asked about him and my mom said that they just wanted to lay low and have their privacy respected. I asked about him again later on and she said that he eventually was stabilized.

I am going to guess his parents appealed the issue and they made some accommodations for him. Thank goodness.

I had no problem with a ground zero mosque.

Still wish it had been built.