I hope to God and for the sake of our Republic that Trump is corrupt and removed from office!

Gulp, gulp.

I know, “facts really suck”.

Trump was just a coffee boy.


Well, the scenario where it wouldn’t be on Trump’s orders would mean that he is doing this on behalf of Guiliani and his other clients or that the President has no clue about a massive shadow foreign policy change happening right under his nose.

Also… not good.

Have a look at Trump’s track record. For example, why hasn’t D Trump released his tax records after he said he would? Are they still under audit? Even if they are still under audit, that is not an excuse for not releasing them.

The finding against Trump’s charitable foundation is another example.

As a result of the Mueller report are there ongoing investigations?

As a matter of interest is it 2/3 of all Senators or is it 2/3 of the Senators that voted?

Wouldn’t that speak to his removal under 25A?

Sometimes you just got to put your trust in people.

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“Plausible deniability”.

This has been the case in every administration for decades.

People often act on the president’s behalf without their knowledge of exactly what they are doing.

Have you been reading Yes, Minister and/or Yes, Prime Minister?

We have neither.

Who is we?

Who do you think? What is the subject of the discussion and the context of same?

The you in my question is you (WildRose).

Hyperbole. Not “the rest of our government”. Maybe “a lot”, but not “all”.

Best case is that the Obama Administration, The DOJ, FBI, CIA, DOD, State department, DNC, Democratic party, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and all the other democrats that have spoken against Trump are corrupt.
At least then there, would be a reason for the appalling performance of America under their leadership and the economic and social gains of the Trump presidency might continue beyond 2020. Otherwise, it will be back to business as usual and the previous administration of clowns will resume their bumbling path to even more failure for America.


It’s 2/3 of Senators present.

Now Article I Section 5 requires: " Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do Business;…".

So technically 49 Senators can be absent with the remaining 51 Senators present resulting in a quorum which can conduct business. If the GOP decided to hide from the vote Trump could - again theoretically - be convicted with a vote of 34 Senators of the 51 present.

IIRC correctly a Senator can be present and vote “present” (neither for or against conviction) and in such cases the Senators vote is counted in the “No Conviction” column. It takes a 2/3 affirmative vote (“Yes Convict”) for conviction to occur. A “present” vote would count toward the quorum requirement, but not for conviction.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. So a Senator could abstain by not being present in the chamber during the voting process.

Theoretically yes. If not physically present and the vote is taken (as long as there is a quorum), then the vote is taken as if that Senator doesn’t exist.

A Senator being absent to be with a family member during a medical emergency? Not a problem. However, a large number of Senators being absent in a coordinated effort? Not going to happen, the blow back for being a coward would be to great.


Just mulling over possibilities rather than suggesting that it will happen. I suspect that there will be very keen interest as to how Senators vote if it does come to a vote. I imagine that it will provide a further impetus for further increases in the younger age demographics to get out and vote.