I can't remember a point in my lifetime were this country was more divided

My mother’s first husband was killed over the pacific in WWII. She became an orthopedic surgeon. She was also a member of the communist party. Big deal.

Of course you do. :rofl:

Communists were a big deal in the 30’s. Believe it or not that was not in my lifetime. Also, the country was even more divided (literally) in the civil war. Also not in my lifetime.

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Um…and civil rights, and bussing, and drugs, and women’s rights, and gay rights, and abortion, and contraceptives, and environment, and taxes, and housing…

Wait more.

And elections proccess (voting age, primaries), and education, and military service and blue laws…

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It will help we on the left know that you represent all Americans. The march of time is diversification. We all know what will happen in 2045 or thereabouts.

Why give us that hammer?

It would help if we on the right know that those on the left represent all Americans.

Not in the direction the left wants to go.

Really, what is that?

The right can give you © a hammer and you © wouldn’t know what to do with it.

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DMK, I am not thinking ideologically or personally, I am thinking strategically. By 2045 Whites will no longer be over 50% of the US population. If the right doesn’t want the march of time to pass them by, embrace that.

Take race off the table and we on the left will be forced to deal honestly with economics and policy. Not our strongest suit, if I may say.

Strengthen your hand.

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Gay marriage, a clear-cut civil rights issue, wasn’t accommodated by the right until 5 years ago.

Adoption by same-sex couples wasn’t accommodated until 4 years ago.


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What does color have to do with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

At this pace of the division will be having talks like the two state talks of Palestine and Israel. Of course now that is no longer possible there as the West Bank doesn’t want to combined with Gaza so now it would have to be a three state solution.

It takes forever to build something up like the United States but in reality it would take a fraction of that time to tear it down, which is kinda what some have been trying for awhile.

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The riots in trump’s America.

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Nothing. But as this thread is about a divided America, I recommend diversifying your public officials and base while remaining true to your conservative values. If you do, it could usher in a golden age of conservatism.

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Personally I think we are past that and are at the beginning of the end game. What I would have done as a conservative is you want change to come slowly to your culture, instead there has been a massive shift and change in a very short amount of time they have basically transformed the U.S. into the U.N.

There is no shared bonds and the only game in town is division, so I would let the divide happen peacefully. It is in my opinion that we have just narrowly dodged several bullets from a major violent event to take place that is liable to start a spark that makes the powder keg go off. It has happened throughout history not sure why everyone thought it can’t happen here. The only places outside the U.S. that have been able to hold different tribes together have been dictators like Saddam or Tito, once they go they country goes.

Obviously we are not at that point yet, but that’s were it is heading and some seem to be ok with it. I hear it openly now that they are wanting to burn down the whole system, although I would hardily imagine what rises in it’s place will be what they envisioned.

i am completely on the other side of this. there is no reason to have a plethora of federal laws with a limited federal government. any law passed by the congress should take 60% to pass. there really is no reason a bill with 50% support should ever become law as 50% also oppose it. federal laws should have overwhelming support. anything else is a tyranny of the majority. let the states decide the rest for themselves, as it was meant to be.


Yes but they happened in Obama’s America as well as Bush jr and before. As the op said which is true this predates the current administration and will not stop if Biden becomes president. Things like this don’t just stop on a moments notice, the divide has just gotten stronger.

Uh :rofl::rofl:

It’s a great series, I have watched it a few times.

Yeah, I don’t know. I think what unites us is still more than what divides us. There has always been a divide. When I was a protester (peaceful) against the Vietnam War, I realized that the country was a little more right than center. I understood that. Yet, still. the pendulum swings. With all the over-the-top rhetoric, I think the pendulum will still swing one way or the other peacefully.

The proper way to embrace that is to recognize that political ideologies are not limited by races. You don’t need to “embrace” Hispanics by supporting unique Hispanic rights. They want the same as others…most of them…a chance to work, hone their skills, build a life for themselves. Conservatism works fine for many of them…as evidenced by Biden rushing off to Florida to try to shore things up.
So what do you mean “embrace” that?

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the left is so invested in identity politics that they actually believe dividing Americans into ever smaller groups to pander to is “bringing them together”. All they are doing is accomplishing the balkanization of the nation. I’m a conservative, race, ethnicity, culture and diversity are not issues for me. We are one America.

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