I can't remember a point in my lifetime were this country was more divided

Good point and probably the best thing that could happen for republicans.

An excellent question, thanks. I agree with your observation in theory. And feel that the ideals you cherish (for which I have deep respect) will be wholly embraced by a diverse America if time is really spent reaching out to them. Recruiting people of color to run for office. So by embrace, I mean make a top priority the diversification of the Republican Party, and take the issue or race out of our hands.

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The republicans are not dividing by race.

Regardless, they are being separated by race.

True, but by whom?

Everyone else.


Republicans make it easy

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Poling said the GOP has set a record for the most female, minority, and military veteran candidates running as Republicans this cycle.

great theory. here’s the problem.

I’m white, my wife is black. we almost never discuss race. neither one of us give a ■■■■ about it. its just not a subject of any importance to us. I don’t see color, neither does she. We see people. But if you tell many AA’s you don’t see color, their answer is “then you don’t see me”. This is because many have been indoctrinated over many years to think of themselves as black even before they think of themselves as an individual. This creates a huge cultural pressure to be “black”, which of course leads to expectations within the community to think, be, and act in culturally correct ways which allow the Biden’s of the world to announce that if you have to think about who to vote for… you ain’t black. Sadly, as disgusting as that is, many will agree.


Most people don’t. :woman_shrugging:

Nor was it accepted in libalifornia in 08…so what’s your point?

In your opinion…I think I very much caught the point. Perhaps it’s you who missed the point.

They still have to win.

Perhaps “Susan from Indiana” should not be in charge of recruiting minorities.

Ben, your post dives deep into issues that matter. Frankly, I have spent decades trying to become truly color blind (my wife is of color too). Now loud and credible voices are asking me to see difference again. It’s a unique time.

All politics is identity politics

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You can only go up from a hand full :rofl:

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This is not the most divided the country has ever been. Ever seen a “whites only” or “colored” water fountain?

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Yes. You haven’t.

The country wasn’t divided then, it was separated.

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The identifier is the interesting thing.