I can't remember a point in my lifetime were this country was more divided

Quite so; I agree.

One can fight for the foundation and principals that make us great or…

Fight to change all of it and hope for the best in spite of what history has told us.

There is no more compromise in Washington…The CEC has made that a dirty word. And when compromise does by some miracle happen…The CEC calls it caving. And if it happens to be a Republican lawmaker that compromises the CEC has him primaried.

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The only way forward. Compromise. Neither side we’ll win without destroying our nation.

Hopefully, the GOP will go the way of the whigs after this election. They have demonstrated they have no capacity to lead. Hell, when they had the WH and both houses of Congress, it was well into their 2nd year before they finally got a major piece of legislation (the tax bill) passed. And they made that temporary.

I’d like to see an actual conservative party (well, at least fiscally conservative if nothing else) rise up to take their place. Perhaps the Libertarian Party could do that.


Alright…then get Nancy to compromise on COVID relief.


Such as?

Not sure if its an actual quote of his…but its true none the less.( At 50 sec mark or so)

:rofl: What was the point of posting that?

Its my view on compromise…In response to @conan post “Compromise with libs?”

:rofl: Have you watched that mini-series? You need to get your sarcasm meter calibrated.

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Yes, I do think it is more divided than ever before in my lifetime. In the late 1960s it was divided, but that was over only one issue, the Vietnam War.

Now, I get the feeling that the left is going on in their never ending move towards the left …one world socialism being the likely final goal…as if the American public never said anything with the election of 2016. And the right is ready to bring all left leaning moves not only to a hault but reversing them.

Normally, the left is used to the Democrats moving further to the left and the Republicans slowing things down a bit in an interim period. Now, people are headed off in opposite directions with different end goals that can’t reconcile with each other.

Yes I have…multiple times. One of my favorites.

Again…a one issue divide.

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Have you watched the series?

It is time the left compromises to the right. We’ve accommodated for too long.

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DON’T vote for Democrats, that’s what we all can do.

History is repeating itself as back in the 1860’s era it was the Democrat Party hell bent on a Civil War and here we are again! :roll_eyes:

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Nah. I’m as liberal as the next guy. Don’t ever hear much about that. The self-proclaimed socialists aren’t going anywhere. We’ve always have had socialists. Big deal.

You missed the point of that clip.

I think the best way to get we on the left to compromise is to diversify your elected officials and broaden your base.

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Yes. And studied the history.