I cannot make up this stuff up

I can’t. And you can’t prove that they have. The right is just falling back onto the dirty immigrant meme in an effort to deflect from their lower vaccination rates.

One is here illegally…and due to breaking that law, it’s murder where as the other isn’t breaking any laws.

They aren’t testing them all and not even close. What you regurgibleated is pure sheople food.


Seems your the only one talking about dirty immigrants. Is that how you think of the illegals?

Now lets tell the truth. They are not turning away the illegals that test positive.

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What we know is that the Biden Administration is sending hundreds of thousands of these migrants coming from all over the world into US towns and cities. We know that there’s also good reason to believe that potentially hundreds of thousands are also getting in illegally since CBP is spending very little time actually patrolling the border as they are processing those who are turning themselves in. We also know that there’s no way they’re all being tested and thus is LOGICALLY fair to conclude that they are contributing to the rise we saw in case counts.



WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minorswho recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.


I’m pretty sure murder vs not murder is not decided by immigration status.

They still seem to be a drop in the bucket compared to the number of unvaxed citizens.

Nice one.

That’s not true.


If you have one group of unvaxinated people who make up roughly 3% of the population another group of unvaxinated people that makes up 44% pf the population, is it not common sense to assume the biggest contributor to the rise in cases is the 44% and not the 3%?

Sounds like from that article if they test positive they are keep and quarantined, not released out into the US.

I seen no indication that they are releasing known positive immigrants into the gen pop of the US.

Remind me how COVID started, and please provide percentages as well?

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Either a wet market or lab in China. Percentages of what?

Trying to make the country perma-blue from migration. If you object your racist. It seems as simple as that.


The Delta variant is the what drove the recent surge prior to that the case counts were plummeting as the vaccine was being distributed. Most plausible theory is that the initial driving force of the Delta variant came from outside the US.

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I completely understand. I felt this way for four years from 2017 to 2021.

Go figure

It started in India. Closing off the southern border wasn’t going to keep it out.