“I am part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration” - Stunning Article in NYT

No, being an idiot isn’t incapacity. Impeachment is the remedy for this. Using the 25th is actually a higher bar and it was meant to be used in the event a President was incapacitated, not stupid.

Umm, resign and take their complaints and accusations to the press and congress. I should think that would be obvious.

Exactly what I was thinking…as for who it is, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Sanders.

It adorable you think Pence isn’t in this up to his neck just because he has the room temperature IQ to not talk about it publicly.

I’m not convinced. Countries like Canada, who are our largest trading partner, and committed their blood and treasure in support of us after 9/11, will likely have grave pause at the commitments being offered by future presidents and congresses.

I do not blame them. They have been sorely treated.

And you don’t see anything wrong with a minority faction deciding they will usurp executive authority for our own good eh?

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And then there will be no one left to prevent this lunatic from his worst impulses. Because we both know the feckless cowards in the GOP will not do anything.


I think this is a sign of more desperation on the left.

Nothing they thought was real is working, so just start making stuff up, so the liberal bubble can talk to itself about the same ol’ stuff over and over and not the good news and Trump achievements.

I bet there is not one substantive line in the entire article. And I haven’t read it…
But if you find one, let me know…

Trump is cool… Ol’ Flexible and the Uranium queen were not.

To be told what the president is doing isn’t technically illegal and roundly ignored?

Maybe they like to have the power and are afraid to be forever labeled a Benedict Arnold by the trump faithful…so they do what they can on the down low.

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I’d say McGahn, but I’m not convinced he qualifies as a “Senior administration official” in the NYT style book.

Our next president, whenever that happens, will have a whole lot of work ahead of him/her.

I wouldn’t even object to our country’s first apology tour.

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I don’t have an argument here, good point.

Ok… Our “hero” says he likes much of what Trump has done but that Trump basically is a little crazy so to help steer him right our hero has decided to mock him in the biggest anti Trump newspaper he could find.

Yeah. That should really help the situation and the country. Like in the Caine Mutiny.

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Of course I do. Nothing about any of this is normal or okay with me. This is a disaster. One, I might add, that YOU are partially to blame for.

Yes, such great fiction. So, well written and dramatic. Should provide the leftists weeks of blah, blah’s, and OMG’s…lol!


Drop Dead Fred

Well, the New York Times is one of the most respected newspapers in the world.

But sure, I guess s/he could’ve sent the essay to the New York Post or the Sacramento Bee.

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Yes and No

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