“I am part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration” - Stunning Article in NYT

This is where I am with this as well. Sure, it would be noble for this person to come forward and say all of this publicly. But that will not change anything. Trump will not be removed from office because of this noble act. The person will be shunned from all corners of Trump-world, which means they will be shunned as a traitor to King Trump from the whole of the GOP. And then there is one less person trying to do the right things and defend all of us from this maniac and his machinations.

The 25th is inconvenient. Kind of hard. In a word, it’s work.

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Lol… NYT has to go full fake news and author, since the Woodward book is childish and no one cares about playboy bunnies…

The perfect lib fantasy… OMG!

Don’t worry, they’ll find a Rooskie connection any day now too. For two years the media has been making up things to talk about. Mostly to avoid talking about all the good news… It’s predictable and getting hilarious…

Being kept away ? Or are Pence’s keen political instincts keeping himself away.

Better to be Ford than to be Agnew.

i’m hoping that all our allies are just trying to wait this out until we get a sane president again.

oh, and none of this is Trump’s fault. point the finger directly at each person that voted for him. he can’t vote himself in.


Absolutely. Our allies hopefully see this abhorrent anomaly for what it is. And recognize this dark stain on our history will not last forever.

And without question, every single last person who cast a vote for this lunatic is responsible for this all. Every. Single. One.

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We don’t need a Rooskie connection, although it would be icing on the cake.

We have Trump’s public disclosure of his intent to obstruct justice, after he attempted to obstruct justice.

That adds up to–drum roll please–obstruction of justice.

Mueller’s looking for additional stuff. You’ll have to be patient. In the meantime, pretend that they’ll find nothing, even after the country saw something something something during a Trump TV interview, and you’ll sleep just fine.

I disagree.

I think if they could demonstrate a true danger to the nation, they could get even Congress to act.

If they feel the situation is dangerous enough to think about enacting the 25th, then start the process to enact the 25th!

That’s what it’s there for…political consequences be damned.

This makes things worse, not better.

It entrenches the sides more…and probably makes the President act in even more unpredictable ways if what they say about him is true.

This was a bad, bad move.

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i bet Mueller and his team have have the goods on Trump for awhile. i bet they’ve wanted to report every day (to stop this madness). those guys have the most self restraint (to patiently get the job done right and not screw it up) of any group in recent memory. they’re bound to know how important their work is.

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Too bad that Pence is such a feckless hypocrite, eh? Olympic level hypocrisy, staggering even in this administration.

i think they’d come forward, get fired by Trump and get slapped away by the Republican congress. they show us each day that they’re not gonna act against Trump so they can push their agenda through.

He’ll be harder for them to rally around. He’s as charismatic as the knob on the basement door where he locks his wife when he goes to work.

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You should be ecstatic - this proves the Deep State is real!

Except instead of being Mueller and the CIA, it’s Trumps own cabinet trying to keep him away from the Red Button.


I just do not believe there is any scenario possible where the GOP would back and support a removal of the head of their party. Shy of something tremendously damning. Which, according to the article, there does not seem to be anything of a singular sort in this regard.

Also, how many people within the administration would agree to move forward with invoking the 25th? If this is a small group of resistance people, who have placed country above party, rather than the majority, then would they even be successful? If it is obvious they would not, then what good comes from falling on their sword now?

What would you have rather had them do here? Keep it quiet and not sound the alarm about what is really going on? It seems to me that this person is using this platform to promote the concept of needing a check on the President. Which will clearly not come from the GOP.

Everyone knew that this was happening. It’s just so strange to see it and read about it.

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It’s by nobody. Anonymous.
But you are lapping it up.

Good boy. Good boy.

Principles my friend…"If you find yourself always compromising with your principles, you probably don’t have any.”

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I don’t disagree, as you know, about how important principles are. But what would you like to see this person, or their fellow compatriots in this resistance, do outside of what they did here?