Hunter Going To Prison!

So no Executive Branch people, just like the table said. Got it.

Just think what those Republican numbers would look like if we expanded the scope like you did.


Adam “Schiffty” Schiff!

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Good one! :rofl: :+1:

Not available in that gene pool.

Me too. Very original.

That district may be cursed. It was Duke Cunningham’s seat too.

I know, Kind of like comparing a petty thief to a mafia boss. Biden is a bigger crook.

Based on his life of not getting indicted for anything.

In the conservative imaginary world, every Dem is a crook, no evidence required.

In reality, not so much.

@Borgia_dude & @Adam,

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not guilty.’ “Theodore Roosevelt”

pretty much holds true for all politicians. Some get caught, some don’t.

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They are calling Biden head of a crime family. :rofl:


Splitting hairs when it comes to who one associates with… closely associates with. Like Susan McDougal went to jail trying to protect Bill. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready for a midnight walk in Ft Marcy park.

Well no you accused the msm of lying through that graphic then presented evidence that had little to do with the graphic and whether msm lied.

It’s pretty fun to watch.

The gop is famous for its executive branch indictments. It’s ok to admit it, instead of going “hey over there! Supporters.”

So nothing on Obama then?

Just hasn’t been caught

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Ok. Keep us in the loop. It’s been four years. I’m sure he’ll be caught any time now.

Maybe his last name should be Corleone? :thinking:

Why pick a fictitious character? Why not someone who actually existed?