Hunter Going To Prison!

You do realize don’t you that an indictment and conviction are two very different things?

An indictment is a list of unproven accusations, that’s all.

He was found guilty at trial two years later and he will pay the appropriate price.

I’m tired of hearing about how much Jbiden loves his son, Hunter. If he really loved his son, he would never have allowed him to get involved in these evil, shameful and wrong activities.

Jbiden used his son tor monetary gain.

He never should have run for the office of President or any other office. He needs to resign.

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I think you have that backwards for the most part.

His son and brother parlayed access to Joe for millions.

This aged well.

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What, it’s still perfect. Unless his sentencing has been overturned.

Edit: Are you ■■■■■■■ kidding me? I just saw the pardon.


Merry Christmas you filthy animal ;p

What’s a little campaign finance fraud for a supporter?

Forgotten man!!!

First, Joe took Hunter on Air Force Two to China and Ukraine.

According to their former CEO, his emails revealed that Joe Biden was referred to as the Big Guy and the Chairman. In the emails, Hunter answered to the Big Guy and the Chairman. Joe’s cut was in the millions.

Joe’s dumb act is not fooling everybody.

He USED his son. Period.

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