Hunter Biden Trial Thread

No one is defending it people just dont believe its legit and not edited/manipulated and for good reason.

Why did they only upload low quality jpegs as proof? If they wanted people who arnt complete extreme partisans to believe it they could have created an 8k video of the dairy slowly turning pages and extremely high quality scans and got multiple non partisan independent forensic document examiners to separately verify it.

The same thing happened with hunter bidens laptop, the issue isnt that it exists or not, the problem is that it is impossible to verify the contents because it was released in the absolute dumbest way possible(unless you are trying to cover up manipulations, which pretty much any high schooler could figure out how to do)

If they actually wanted to prove if the laptop was real and unmanipulated all it would take is a few google searchs or a call to some data forensic experts to figure Out how to make a bit perfect forensic clone of the entire drive and upload the entire thing online, that way everyone with the ability or desire could independently verify the veracity of the files.

What possible reason could there have been for releasing the files in such a way that made it impossible to verify if anything was manipulated or not?

Thats a neat fantasy, but that’s all it is.

The diary is real and verified to be real by Bidens daughter in her letter to the judge trying the woman who found it.

Hunters laptop is real and information on it is verified to be true. Not impossible to verify, verified.


Without missing a beat, I might add.

So yes you don’t really care about morals. It is just an excuse to vote for the democrat party of no morals you always supported.

Your problem is the DOJ has already said it is real and not tampered with. But anything to protect your God biden I guess.

Another crack hoe gets convicted on a gun charge…maybe this will reduce “gun violence”.


Hey - whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.


Some information has been corroborated via his iCloud account.

We also know that the laptop was accessed by people other than Hunter and the FBI.

At least someone is mentioning a diary today. First I heard of this business was a day or two ago with some vague reference to it being “all over the news.” Yet, despite watching plenty of news, I haven’t seen anything of it outside one or two comments on this board in threads that I have been in.

Obviously, as I’m not familiar with the story/background of this diary, I can’t really comment on that portion of it.

It isn’t me that is trying to pretend I have morals while voting for a man who showered with his young daughter.

Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night


Interesting to see where you think that Biden will win again.

This shouldn’t be a political thing. Everyone should be mad that this data was released in a way that makes it impossible to know what if anything was actually manipulated.

why continue with this ■■■■■■■■ theme. Its verified

I think you mean you refuse to become familiar with it because not knowing allows you to deny, dent, deny

What are you not getting? No one is saying they are not real, the fact is that anyone with a high school education could have added stuff in the dairy or laptop and because of the way it was released it is impossible to know. Its common sense to take basic steps to prove the veracity in a situation like this, the only reason you wouldn’t is if you are aware the contents are manipulated but know your target audience can barely turn a computer on so you can get away with it.

Again why was this stuff released in a way that makes it impossible to verify if it is unedited, what possible reason would there be for that? Anyone with even a basic level amount of knowledge would have said make a bit perfect forensic clone of the entire drive then upload it online, if it was real and unmanipulated it would be impossible to question.

The vast vast majority of the laptop files are impossible to verify.

Do you not understand something can be real yet manipulated? No one with any credibility has claimed the laptop data was not manipulated and if they did they are lying because of the way the files were handled.

It is hilarious you assume I support biden in anyway. I just have a basic understanding of data forensics and unlike some people i dont blindly believe anything that supports my bias.

No one is saying they are not real, the fact is that anyone with a high school education could have added stuff in the dairy or laptop and because of the way it was released it would be impossible to know. Its common sense to take basic steps to prove the veracity in a situation like this, the only reason you wouldn’t is if you are aware the contents are manipulated but know your target audience can barely turn a computer on so you can get away with it.
Again why was this stuff released in a way that makes it impossible to verify if it is unedited, what possible reason would there be for that? Anyone with even a basic level amount of knowledge would have said make a bit perfect forensic clone of the entire drive then upload it online, if it was real and unmanipulated it would be impossible to question.

The vast vast majority of the laptop files are impossible to verify because the people who released it wanted to make it impossible to verify.

what are you not getting? The FBI used the laptop as evidence, it is verified. Forensic analysis found no evidence of manipulated data and the FBI verified the authenticity.

Bidens daughter verified the authenticity of the diary. Is she lying?

Do you think you’re arguments are something new here? They are nothing but the same old worn out leftist lying talking points


Then you should alert the judge in Biden’s case because the FBI agent committed perjury

no, you just blindly deny the truth that does