Hunter Biden Trial Thread

Hunter Biden goes on trial this morning.

I look forward to hundreds of comments pointing out:

  1. How absolutely critical it is to prosecute people to the fullest extent possible
    for paperwork violations
  2. What this demonstrates the validity and value of laws that restrict gun ownership
  3. How important it is that non-violent felons with no prior convictions be seen to prison if convicted
  4. How this trial demonstrates that both Democrats and Republicans both can and should face legal consequences.

Have at it, my friends!


Take the smallest of Hunter’s crimes and try it with the idea the world will forget about the real crimes. That’s the gameplan people. Don’t be fooled.


What other crimes are there?

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I am already sick of the political trials.


Let’s Go Brandon.


with 50 fed agents claiming everything is “russian disinfo” why is there even a trial?


This one is actual crimes.

Hunter could be in real trouble over these gun charges.

What is Jonathan Turkey saying about how often this crime is prosecuted?

How about Romney on how often these cases are settled?

Political and appropriate? :thinking:


What happened to try Hunter’s crimes to link it to “the big guy” whom he had to pay 10 percent?

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You’re pointing out the obvious that he alludes to.

Why would he? You trying to relate a crime had never been prosecuted to one that gets prosecuted frequently? That is pretty stupid even for libs.


no pardon for Hunter claims POTUS.


Then the Republicans and Davis Weiss need to keep going after the crimes they can prove.

I am sorry what?

President Trump should have never been prosecuted. Professor Turley had a lot of opinions on that subject. I would like to hear his opinion on this

Next time instead of assuming… just ask.

That’s it right there.

I really don’t care about this one and am disappointed that this is where the political gotcha has settled.

Hunter doesn’t mean anything. It’s Brandon’s use of Hunter for hiding corruption that needs to be popped like a bad ingrown hair. But no… The microscope will be focused on this meaningless virus, and once it’s done, the media will declare that the world has been saved and there’s nothing else to see and everyone can just sit down and shut up.

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Young Biden has plenty on his plate:
Not registering as a foreign agent. Remember how Gen.Mike Flynn and others’ lives were ruined for the same charge?
Income tax scofflaw
Child support scofflaw
Lying on federal firearm form to purchase a handgun.

The “big guy” association is huge he could flip for the government to avoid prosecution. Won’t happen not with this DOJ and I’ll predict this turd won’t see a day in the hoosegow.
Until there’s a change in administration crackhead Biden will skate.


The fantasies posted here are going to be top notch.


Most people won’t be watching this trial either. Look at those tabloid addicts go though. :rofl:

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Just watch and wait.

Did you hear that one loyal (D)og say the true part out loud on ass-ident?

“This one is actual crimes.”
