Hunter Biden Trial Thread

Watch and wait for what?

You think Hunter did not “flip” in Congress under oath but will flip to the DOJ on crimes you guys imagine Joe Biden just had to commit! he had to!! smh

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The “evidence” is good enough for a talk show radio program, but where’s the evidence that would last ten minutes in a courtroom? Start with the audio tapes of the Biden’s accepting Ukraine bribes that were all the rage for a while. Does it concern that no one has ever heard th tapes; no one has been able to produce them.

Is that the sort of evidence that you think should someone should be indicted on?


The big guy thing was about a deal that failed to take place when Joe Biden was a private citizen but has taken on a huge meaning in the imagination of the right wing fever dream machine.


First time offenders who commit lower classed non-violent felonies seldom see jail time.

You seem disappointed that standard sentencing precedent may not be applied to Hunter Biden.

Will you be equally disappointed if Judge Mecahn applies similar precedent and does not send Donald Trump to jail?

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If I lied on a federal firearms form to purchase a firearm my ass would be in jail. If I was a tax scofflaw the IRS would have taken my ■■■■ by now. If I were a child support scofflaw my case wouldn’t be newsworthy, my income would have already been garnished and I’d be living in a camper down by the river somewhere. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Get my drift?


Dont prosecute Hunter and he is getting special treatment. Prosecute him and its all part of the plan to distract.

I doubt Hunters trial is going to overshadow the fact that Trump is now a convicted felon.


Highly, highly unlikely. They usually reject the sale and move on to the next background check.

About a hundredth of one percent of folks who lie on firearms forms get prosecuted. Yes. A hundredth of one percent.



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I didn’t assume anything you made it quit clear.

You are trying to compare the two. They are not comparable in any way.

I’d just like to point out that Hunter Biden was charged by a Trump appointed prosecutor and is being tried by a Trump appointed judge.

By Donald Trump’s own standards, the Hunter Biden trial is rigged.


I am comparing their opinion on political trials where there other possible outcomes other than prosecution. As I have said a bunch of times President Trump should have never been prosecuted and I agreed with Turley and Romney. Now I am interested on their opinions in this matter.That’s why I wrote Political… or appropriate in the end of the post. :slight_smile:

This is how conspiracy theorists keep the conspiracy alive. It’s a never ending rabbit hole of spaghetti logic


hunter is an admitted felon.

Just imagine what he would’ve been doing if joe biden had let him grow up in a racial jungle.

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And everyone sky screaming about a similar setup for Trumps trial… will be quiet for this one.

I don’t really care that Hunter has a republican judge and prosecutor… don’t commit crime and you have nothing to worry about.

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Of course- my post was just poking fun at Trump and Co.

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So you propose that people who lie on government filings should go to jail. ’

I am comfortable with seeing non-violent first offenders get a less severe sentence and hope to see that for both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden (if convicted).

But I know there are many who want to see both of them in jail and I respect that opinion.

This… 10 char

The only thing this trial demonstrates is how the prosecutor went for the lowest possible charges he could and ignored anything connected to “the big guy”.

A Republican DA did that.

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