Hundreds of Newspapers collude to attack Trump

I foresee huge turnouts, too. :sunglasses:

You foresaw a Hillary election too. :sunglasses:


If he was a conman the swamp would like him…

Someone told him they were failing and he believes without verifying. Typical.

And it REALLY angers them when his own words are used to do that.

That keeps getting said…how about some proof?

now that :point_up_2: is the sign of a mark.


You can keep your doctor…

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Proves no such thing Mx. 3947589! Moreover there was no collusion. Each periodical stated UP FRONT in the first paragraph that neither were they being partisan nor in collusion with any other news rag.

And elsewhere in all arkles, 4th paragraph sentence two, each yellow wiping tissue assured that they were simply doing what’s best for us.

Some say as long as Mueller is investigating Trump any action Trump takes by ordering an investigation into CoJ and FBI will be viewed as obstruction.

Thus the reason why Mueller was hired in first place…and the reason why he’s dragging it out as long as possible.

And it’s also the reason why Session han’t been fired.

That’s just a theory so take it for what it’s worth.

Over 100. They cant all be wrong

I thought he was dragging it out so we can get proper House Members in so we can get rid of him

I got the same Doctor

That myth has been busted

Take a look at the newspapers that published these editorials. Believe it or not, many of these are right leaning publications. Your argument about mindlessly partisan is false… aka Fake.

I liked Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173,

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Its been pretty wild. A lot of Cons have been GasLighted

They didn’t “collude” to attack Trump. They banded together to editorialize on the importance and the virtues of a free press and to answer the presidents attacks.

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Since the national debt is wiped out I don’t care.

Come on. How funny is it that he’s complaining about one promise in Obamacare and completely ignoring the promised Trumpcare?

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