How would the market react to a Biden victory?

Read and learn.

Or not.

Biden is too old. He believes in Reefer madness.

We need new blood. Enough with the 80s and 90s rejects.

Since that’s not going to happen it won’t.

Because of trump lol

Your shifting the argument now.

He isnt banning fracking

I don’t think the markets will react bad under Biden unless he puts a far left loon as his VP choice. Usually VP choices are not a big deal but Biden is two steps behind in every conversation and looks like he already has the formaldehyde in him so it does mean a lot.

It will all depend on the economy if he has a chance if the virus lessons and the market strengthens before election night Trump will win. If not who knows, Trumps presidency was about the economy and this mess isn’t helping his re-election chances but I wouldn’t count him out just yet a lot can happen from now till June.

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hey let’s ask nobel prize winner paul krugman!

I’ve voted for Donald Duck for President more than any other candidate. It was my way of saying, I’m pissed off. There are no excellent candidates and I’m tired of this bull feces that keeps being placed front and center for us to select from. The Tea Party reinstated some excitement in me that maybe some common sense is coming back into politics? That’s when I joined this forum in 2008. If Biden were to become President, I would disengage from national politics…knowing…it’s a total waste of my time going forward and I’ll reallocate that time into improving my personal and professional circles of influence.

Mr. H-Arendt- President’s Clinton and Trump share more in common concerning Wall State than you seem to be letting on.

If you dare, please considering adding to your fair enough comparison of Clinton vs Trump addressing your take on:

  1. Avg. Annual Real GDP Growth by President, Post-WWII is 2.9%.

Where as Clinton was 3.9% after G.H.W. Bush’s 2.3%

Trump is 2.5% (3 years) following Obama’s 1.5%.

  1. Reconciling without ideological talking points the bust of 1999-2000 under Clinton’s watch. Recovering only occurred after Wall Street began more accurately evaluating the real financial stability of high-tech companies.

You’re leaving out the fact that that low pump price means tens of thousands of highly paid US oil and gas workers are out of a job.

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If you wish to compare Obama and Trump’s GDP performance fairly, then let’s wait until we can look at their Presdiencies as a whole.

GDP performance under Obama was pulled down by the dire state of the economy when he took office following the 2008 collapse. My comparison was of the last five years of Obama and the first three years of Trump. When this year is over, GDP performance under Trump will not be stellar.

My point about the Clinton Presidency was that the dire predictions conservatives made about his 1993 tax increases were not realized. Tax increases did not interfere with growth; instead they served to steady markets. You are right that dot-coms were overinflated and the bust occurred in 1999. But are you suggesting that the 1999 bust was a result of the 1993 tax cut? That’s a very weak connection.

Low gas prices are bigly good for all, don’t you see?

Don’t you be coming in here with your industry experience and telling them any differently. :slight_smile:

[quote=“H_Arendt, post:52, topic:229249”]
But are you suggesting that the 1999 bust was a result of the 1993 tax cut? That’s a very weak connection.

In my 1st point, I merely presented data of when Clinton entered office it was similar to Trump, if not a better running start. Again, please consider tightening up your argument making that comparison too.

2nd point- Me citing Clinton being overly credited with much of the Wall St success was initially left out by you. My point was when bubble burst it was because the underlying stock valuations were not fundamentally sound.

I did not link the tax cut to the 1999-2000 bust. Please continue on your take for how this too is compared.

“Come on man!” :rofl:

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Yeah he did so well election night 2016. “The markets will never recover from Trump being elected”. :roll_eyes:

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You are aware the tea party was created by the exact same people that you say you are pissed off?

False premise. Prior to this catastrophe, S&P500 annualized returns were lower during Trump years than Obama years.

You are certainly welcome to provide a succinct rebuttal of my analysis. Otherwise you are just blowing smoke. :wink:

Care to back that up with some statistical analysis?