How would the market react to a Biden victory?

That all depends on who will actually be making the decisions…since Joe has dementia and…whether or not the outcomes were considered successful, by the majority?

The markets will be fine. Might dip a little or stay even… but they will be fine…

Odds are they see joe as a steady hand and not a nut case that is in the current White House

My 401k grew like it never grew before. Under Trump records were set.

Right now gas is under 2 dollars per gallon. After Joe shuts down fracking and the American energy sector we will once again be dependent on middle east oil. How much will gas and energy prices increase? In your opinion.

Joe want’s to eliminate fracking,restrict our energy production and have a carbon tax. How do you think being dependent again on middle east oil will effect gas prices and the market?

If Biden win’s he is going to have the house and senate. You can take that to the bank.

Joe want’s to eliminate fracking,restrict our energy production and have a carbon tax. How do you think being dependent again on middle east oil will effect gas prices and the market?

Of course records were set.

Every day the market goes up a record is going to be set when you’re at the top.

And gas being under $2 a gallon is killing the gas and oil sector in this country. For them, it’s not a good thing.

10% of all gas companies are zombie companies.

Right now gas is under 2 dollars per gallon. After Joe shuts down fracking and the American energy sector we will once again be dependent on middle east oil. How much will gas and energy prices increase? In your opinion.

Right now gas is under 2 dollars per gallon. After Joe shuts down fracking and the American energy sector we will once again be dependent on middle east oil. How much will gas and energy prices increase? In your opinion.

$2 a gallon gas has already shut down a lot of the fracking.

Joe said he wasnt gonna shut it down so…

Maybe get some better info?

He doesn’t have to. $2 a gallon gas over a long stretch will do that.

I know but even before that he was on record saying he wasnt shutting it down…

I’m going to keep repeating it because it appears @altair1013 doesn’t get it.

In fact it almost was if he was trying to credit Trump for $2 a gallon gas.

Of course they would same was for Obama not realizing its costing jobs as well for their low gas

That is not an answer. That’s a dodge. We have cheap energy because we are energy independent. Or at least nearly so. What happens when Biden makes us dependent on mid east oil again?

Wrong. Altair doesn’t get it because you’re not answering. Biden want’s to drastically reduce our energy output. Which means we will need to import more from the middle east. Is this a good idea? What effect will it have.

Prove it. What does he plan to do? Continue the Trump policy of independence? Nope.

You obviously understand our oil industry very little if you believe $2 a gallon gasoline is good for it.

Is this better info?

Joe Biden stepped on his claim of being the guy who has the blue-collar worker’s back Sunday night when he pledged that his energy policy will include “no new fracking.”

Clearly he does not favor fracking and wants to limit our ability to get our own fuel.

You obviously can’t even understand a simple question. You continue to dodge.

One more time.

After Joe shuts down fracking and the American energy sector we will once again be dependent on middle east oil. How much will gas and energy prices increase? In your opinion.