How to destroy a nation

My grandpa used to tell me America was baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and muscle cars I think. I don’t think that holds today.

So in voting for Donald you’re accepting Satan’s control, just not supporting it?

Why is this lie so often repeated? Prayer wasn’t removed from school. Anyone can pray in school. A government employee can’t pray to a captive audience. I’m sure you’d be ecstatic if a Muslim teacher prayed a couple times a day with their class. Or maybe a member of the church of satan? Or some other religion you don’t agree with? No, I’d rather government officials not pray to a captive audience of kids.

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I say " America" because I believe we came about directly as a result of God’s Providence. Keep in mind I believe that our eternity is infinitely more important than our mortality. God is concerned with our eternity- He doesn’t want anyone to die and go to Hell, but he will not use force or coercion to get people to accept him. My point is that America was to be a Christian nation. A nation of God loving people who took Christianity to the world and demonstrated by the success, protection and prosperity of our country, the benefit of God’s rule. But like Israel, we have rejected God and are paying the price. The problem is, we are now teaching our children and the world, things that lead them to Hell, which is exactly what Satan wants. America was the last, best hope for the world. Yes, there are Christians in other nations, but none with the blessings and resources God provided for us to do the work.

If Satan can take us out, he gains. Our destruction has been his goal from the beginning and we are helping him.

That is an extremely pollyannaish view of how Christianity has played a role in the history of this country.

At one time, I held up Donald Trump as the epitome of the proverbial man who "gained the world, but lost his soul ", and perhaps I still would except for one big unexpected factor: Mike Pence.

I firmly believe that Mike Pence is the real deal, an unashamed, bold Christian in a very unchristian climate. I believe that Mike Pence has had a tremendous influence on Donald Trump and has helped Trump at least view with great sympathy and empathy the cause of Christ and righteousness, if not outright accept Christ as his savior. Trump has changed views on abortion and has done much to support Christians. He is not perfect, never will be, and even if Trump has actually become a Christian, we will not see without doubt, the unmistakable changes in character and policies Christians would like. As powerful as he is, he us still just one man trying to change and drain a swamp. Also, the work if the Holy Spirit takes time, even Paul took three years from the time if his conversion till he began his ministry.

I am waiting to see what Trump does. I haven’t agreed with everything hes done, but at least he’s ended Obama’s war on Christianity.

I accept Trump as a MUCH better choice than the alternative.

Yeah, I get that. But, again, it’s not really practical to try and squeeze 200 plus years of history into the scope of an opinions forum. I could offer 500 pages of text and no one would read past the first… Nature of a forum.

But still under Satan’s control?

You are using this word control to imply that people are marrionettes with their strings being pulled or perhaps under some kind of mind control or possessed by a demon and being even physically controlled. None of these is accurate. Yes, being demon possessed is possible, ( Christians can’t be possessed), but this is not common. Also, while there are certainly people who worship Satan and knowingly accept his rule, most people don’t. There are 2 types of people in the world; lost and saved. Saved people are those who knowingly, purposely choose Christ as their savior. Christ is a choice, everyone else gets Satan by default. Even people we deem as decent, hard working, law abiding “good” people are ruled by Satan if they haven’t chosen Christ. Satan’s ability to rule is subject to God’s will. Because people choose Satan, God allows Satan to rule. That will come to an end soon. I can’t read people’s hearts inerrantly and know if they have ever accepted Christ, but people under the Holy Spirit generally act differently than people not under the spirit, not always, but over time a serious born again Christian will have a change in character. When I say control I mean serving his interests unknowingly. If Trump is lost, yes, he is serving Satan unknowingly, but I’m not convinced he’s lost…

Pence is a ■■■■■■■ power loving phony.

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Wrong assumption entirely. What I’m driving at is, believing as you do why would you participate in a system you believe to be satanic in nature? Why would you support any candidate when by virtue of the system they are controlled by Satan?

Okay. First, this system is all there is. EVERY country is under this system regardless of whether they have a president or king. Again, there are only two types of people.

Second, being lost is not necessarily the same as being evil. Most lost people are decent people leading decent lives and are very capable of doing things that are “good”. The issue is that what we deem as leading a good life, will not lead a person to heaven. No one could ever be that good. It isn’t the job of Christians to judge and condemn lost people but to share the gospel with them.

Yes, I support our system. I vote and choose the best candidate running. Until Christ returns and establishes his millennial rule, this is the best man can come up with.

Let me guess… Because he is a Republican? Alas, if only we had more Clintons to set the moral example for us. :roll_eyes:

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Another thing to ponder:

Christ mentioned that he and his followers did not belong to this world. He did not pray that his followers be taken from this world, but that they be protected from evil and consecrated in truth. He said the world would hate them.

What we are watching is world hatred being directed towards…Donald Trump. The Democrats, the D.C. bureaucracy, the news media–all things of this world and who have been running the world in the years leading up to President Trump–hate him with a passion. Why should they hate him so virulently?

Perhaps one of the reasons Christians accept him is that despite his hyperbole they recognize truth in what he is trying to accomplish: To protect the nation from businesses ignoring needs of the workers, from bureaucratic waste and power grabs, from government fraud, from invaders, from drugs.

President Trump reminds me of one of Jesus’ apostles. The one who was often impulsive, a bit bombastic, yet a born leader. The world hated him as well…and killed him.

Donald reminds you of St. Peter? Interesting.

He has in the past. Why not today?

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What a load.

And the only way Pence could help Trump is if he were a psychiatrist.

Oh Jesus…

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You don’t think President Trump tries to walk on water? That he declares he will do something then fails (at first) to deliver? That he holds a position possibly greater than his capabilities?

I wouldn’t be comparing Trump to Apostles. It cheapens the Apostles imo.

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