How to destroy a nation

Personally, I was always under the thought process of, if something aint broke
then don’t try and fix it.

And that is what the Socialist Democrat Politicians are trying to do.

Is American Perfect? no. Every country has some problems of some sort,
but we can work on them together. Trying to force this country to become a
Socialist nightmare isn’t going to work.

The next thing that must be done away with is wealth. There has been an unprecedented attack on wealth in the last several years. We now have avowed socialists not only in Congress, but running for the highest office in the land. Despite the fact that socialism doesn’t work, and the blatant hypocrisy of every so called socialist, the idea of punishing the wealthy is becoming more and more appealing to the ignorant masses.

Wealthy people are not only not dependent on the government, but provide jobs and opportunity to millions of Americans, which keeps them independent of government. The idea of a small, limited government is another idea that must be done away with.

To destroy a nation, the population must be reduced to an ignorant, apathetic, homogeneous mass of people with nothing of substance to stand and fight for. This is also why our constitutional rights are under attack as well.

That’s why Democratic Socialist want rich people to take their money elsewhere!
They want the economy to collapse, and everyone to count on Socialism
to come to the rescue! If the rich take their money to other countries, it doesn’t stay in America, and over time it will hurt not only our jobs, but several aspects within America. They want there to be no middle class. Just the Socialist Party, and the poor, where everyone counts on the government.

These being “Politically Correct” definitions of course.




The OP is so twisted and illogical.

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They want two classes, the rich elite non socialist rulers, and the oppressed, impoverished “socialist” peasants. It’s much easier to control poor people than self sufficient people.

How do you figure? I thought he did a pretty good job.


Democrat Politicians want to rip America a part piece by piece.

Why do you think devil worshipers vote Democrat? lol

Right now the Republican flag bearer is a prolific liar which the bible says God hates plus a multiple adulterer.

In fact the bible calls the devil the father of the lie, so it seems like you are supporting the devil yourself.

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What is truly pathetic is having one’s unborn child killed, usually for selfish reasons.


The lesser of two evils… This is what politics has become. But, to my OP, Satan has definitely taken charge of our political process because he has largely gained control of our country.

He always in charge.

Was it the lesser of two evils?

When I look at the US now the rule of law seems to be a thing of the past because the president just pardons criminal after criminal. The justice department is more interested in protecting the president than upholding the law. Lying is acceptable as is sexual immorality because so many who claim to be Christian have traded biblical morality for political morality.

What criminals has the President pardoned? Hillary Clinton was exonerated BEFORE she was even interviewed. THAT doesn’t bother you?

I haven’t traded biblical morality for political morality but for political reality. Yup, our government, on both sides has gone the way of the world, and yes, we have pretty much given our morality over to Satan. We did this clear back in the book of Samuel, demanding a king so we could be “like other nations”. Of course the “we” is the generic we, meaning man, and not the specific we, meaning Americans.

We told God we did not want his rule on Earth and he granted our wish, but, with a stern warning first, which we ignored.

Absolutely, spiritual wickedness in high places is bringing about our destruction.

Perhaps our destruction as a nation and as a society. However, those who trust in the Lord and walk in His ways will have His peace when our nation/society crumbles. The Lord will see us through. As always.

Yes and no Meri. Yes, Christians win in the end, but in the meantime, we are subject to the evil others do. We can be innocent victims of crimes, face any hardship of non believers and certainly fall under the authority of our governments laws. We have to endure the genocide of abortion and the numerous other immoral things our government does while we live our lives. We fight wars our government starts etc. We are preserved as individuals, not necessarily as a people or nation…If Satan can destroy our nation, especially the US, he does much to hurt and hinder the cause of Christ.

You can’t comment on reality when you can’t acknowledge the criminals pardoned. You engaged in political hackery.

Man rejected God rule when Adam ate from the tree.