How to destroy a nation

No. We aren’t talking about replacement theology. Put what I said in context of my OP.
If Americans are not having enough children to perpetuate Americans, someone is going to fill the void. I’m just doing a little math. Who do YOU think is going to fill the void?

Nah man. You are pretty much word for word repeating Great Replacement theory.

Generally recognized as ■■■■■■■■■

My generation is struggling enough as it is just to keep ourselves afloat in the modern economy.

I find the fact that I’m not having children to be a blessing. I might actually be able to retire because of it.

Repeating your statement doesn’t answer the question. It is a verifiable fact. I used Muslims because they have a lot of children. It could be ANY culture that produces a lot of children. The point is that at some point, Americans, meaning our unique culture that identifies us as Americans, will become a minority in our in country and the goal of destruction will be successful, especially with the attack on the other things I mention.

Define “American Culture”

There is no such thing as a “unique American culture”.

There never has been.

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The economy will always have ups and downs, it’s the moral decline that will do us in.

I agree sex us wonderful. Everything after that, not so much…

Could you describe what you believe defines the “unique culture that identifies us as Americans”?

Haven’t travelled much outside the country have you? Seriously, spend some in Europe or Asia. We stand out… Why do you think so many people want to come here?

You didn’t answer the question.

I have a feeling that what I think of as “American culture” has a very different meaning than what you think of as “American culture”.

That’s why we’re asking you to describe it.

I have and I have traveled all across this great country.

Define “American Culture”

Another person who has never spent time in another country.

I’ll tell you a true story as an example. I was stationed in England for 2 years. My second year, I and a couple friends went to a pizza hut in Nottingham. Our pizza came and we dug in. Sitting at the next table was an English couple with a couple kids. After we started eating, I saw the dad nudge his son and say “you can tell they’re Yanks because they’re eating their pizza with their hands.” We are immediately identified around the world by our speech, body language, dress, manners and many other things just by looking at us and listening to the way we talk. Our behavior, technology… I could go on and on about our culture compared to others. No offense but you are obviously young and a product of our public school “education” to make such an ignorant statement. You exemplify Satan’s attack on the idea of country and Patriotism… Nothing unique, we are just another country, nothing to die defending. Thank you!

Next: the attack on wealth/land…

Also an example of the attack on wealth and family. You struggle just to make ends meet, forgo children, which contributes to population decline…

Answered in another post…

The pizza post?

American culture is defined by our body language and how we eat pizza?

Are you saying that the Muslims eat pizza differently, and soon we’ll all be force to eat pizza differently?

I don’t understand your argument.

Virtually everything about us is different than in other countries. In Japan, I was on a train, when it stopped I saw a nearby 7-11. I was hungryso I went in looking for junk food. Did I find Oreos, potato chips or Twinkies? No- not in the whole place. Instead it was stuff wrapped in sea weed, sushi. What part of this is incredulous? The foods we eat, the TV programs we watch, our political system, our sports like baseball, basketball and football. You guys gotta get out of the country. Their literally is no way people don’t simply look at us and not identify us very quickly as American. Out Culture- what makes us us as compared to people in other countries…what is so difficult about this concept?

You are mistaken if you believe that I have no experience spending time in the rest of the world.

I am asking you what you’re worried about, in your apocalypse fantasy. What important part of American Culture are we going to lose, when all those scary Muslims have 20 kids each, and 20 years from now all the good white people are a minority?

What exactly are you worried about?

It is many things and everything. It’s an obnoxious drunk in a Welsh club demanding the DJ play Bruce Springsteen, it’s another obnoxious drunk pounding his fist down on a Japanese bar and demanding service. We stand out- just by standing sometimes. We don’t usually eat pizza with knife and fork, but they really do in England. I know it’s a shock to liberals to face the fact that people are actually different in many ways, but we are.

We could go on all day about how great it is to be an American.

But you still haven’t actually answered my question.