How many debates will Biden actually participate in?

Repubs have set the bar so low for Biden, all he has to do is show up and not drool.

It will be funny when he not only shows up, but he also beats Trump. The spin is gonna make you guys look like the Tasmanian devil.

We’ll be lucky to get 1 debate out of slidin hidin Biden.

I’m not convinced there will be even one yet.

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The debates will prove one thing. We have the choice between two old guys who realistically have problems putting together a coherent sentence. Your© job is to decide which is less damaging. For me…I know one has a medical reason for this. The other not so much.

It’s really weird. There is one person who has a history of punking out of debates. That person is Donald Trump.

In ‘16 he had a little fit and skipped out on a debate to go run a charity fraud for veterans where he ended eventually being forced to give away maybe $1 million and stuck $5 million in his own pocket.

And it’s Biden who probably won’t show? Lol


If we are to believe the reporting, the President is not prepping for this.

Biden will be debating an AM radio.

The “reporting” is obviously incorrect.

Could this be the beginning of Trump chickening out?

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Setting an insane demand and then complaining when that demand is not met… all to the adoring cheers of the supporters.



He is demanding or what?


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He “will be strongly demanding”.

Ohhhh scary and leaderly.

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Biden should take him up on it, and he should be strongly demanding that the drug screen includes Adderal, cocaine and meth.

Is there such a thing as weakly demanding.

Strongly demanding.

What will happen if there is no drug testing. (Just the president bluster)

Trump will show up despite no drug testing.


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The replies to that tweet are hysterical- I imagine it will be deleted very shortly.

Yep… he will “strongly demand” it and one of two things will happen.

  1. Biden says no and Trump will not debate and look like he is scared

  2. Biden says Hell no and Trump will still debate and look like a weak punk because his “Strong demand” was blown off.

That is an eleventy dimensional game of Mousetrap the President is playing.

Just say no.


So does Trump think Biden is taking the Limitless drug or what? What drugs do you take to be good in debates?

Of course that assumes Trump has read or is even familiar with the contents of a book, which is its own set of problems.

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There is apparently a drug that helps you be a better politician.

Could be snorting Adderal… could be snorting Ritalin.

Who knows?

LOL…turns out sniffles the debater is a big chicken!

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Even he knows he’s gonna lose BIGLY! :laughing::joy::rofl:

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