How many debates will Biden actually participate in?

I’m just hoping someone blends his makeup. At his last rally he looked like one of those aliens that flew the arcade game ships in the second Guardians of the Galaxy movies.


Kind of like accusing your opponents of engaging in activity you’ve been known to be doing for years?

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Biden should press the President on the specifics of his health care plan if the ACA gets overturned.

Well the Prez could simply reply to ‘Ol Joe with a resounding “We’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it”!
C’mon you gotta admit, Biden’s reaction could be priceless :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It is crazy how recent history has been changed around the passing of the ACA.

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Are contact highs possible for those? Asking for a Hunter.

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You’ve seen Don Jr lately, right?

I bet this guy knows the answer.


No. He’s not at all interesting.

Hell, they ALL do it in one way or another.

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Not much point in being a Senator if they don’t.

Once again…there is a candidate acting like he won’t show two days before the debate.

That candidate is not Joe Biden.


If it gets overturned? It’s a done deal.

Hopefully the dems retake the senate. Ram it though there. The house is already on board.

And of course biden is president.

It would take a perfect storm.

Otherwise back to piecemeal legislation.


The GOP has become the party of conspiracy theories.

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Russia, Russia, Russia!

“President Putin says it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason why it would be.”


And what else?

He will show up at least by Television

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We have had three years of the debunked Trump-Russia conspiracy theory as a part of the attempted coup. It was one “bombshell” after another, but they were all duds.

Biden’s whole campaign has been based around debunked hoaxes and conspiracy theories. He is still repeating the fine-people hoax, the inject-bleach hoax, the upside-down-bible hoax, etc. At this point he is either delusional or a pathological liar. Either way he should not be President.

I don’t think we’ll see debates in the classic sense. To be a debate, opponents must debate a singular issue or set of issues. What we’ll see instead is Trump do his bragging, blaming and attacking thing. Biden try to respond with old school policy, fail and get drawn into attacking Trump personally. But as Biden doesn’t have it in his DNA to do deep cut personal attacks (a career consensus gentleman), he’ll ham-hand it and fail.

As in boxing: it’s all in the match up.

I’ll give first to Trump.