How many debates will Biden actually participate in?

Actually. THAT is the rules. If you’re going to do government business with a private email, it needs to be forwarded to a govt account as well for records keeping.

We know Clinton didn’t do that, and she had classified information in her emails.

Your “gotcha” point falls flat on its face.

You are talking about potentially the next POTUS.

He’s fine. Raised a boastful of money. And heads a strong ticket.

Will get the majority of votes cast, whether that enough to win the EC remains to be seen.

You don’t like him and want him gone. Sorry. He’s here to stay.


Probably. I just wish she’d retire. Feel the same way about Mitch.

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We also know Ivanka Trump did none of that. Ivanka plead ignorance for using a private email address for government business with a server in Trump Tower.

And at the end of the day Tuesday, Trump supporters will claim that he won. And Biden supporters will say the same.

Answer to the question in the OP is…

It’s fascinating to watch three supposed adult women be petty vindictive Karens.

Think about this.

All of the factual information in the Senate report - not the spin - came directly from the DoJ in the first place.

The DoJ already knows - and yet, no charges.

Oh, it’ll be disastrous all right, just not in the way you’re thinking.

I’ll believe it when I see it if he even makes one! :roll_eyes:

You spelled Trump wrong.

No way in Hell imo.

What do you suppose will be Trump’s excuse after he makes an ass of himself in the first one and drops out of the others?

He was treated very unfairly.

The proof is when he shows, and trump does not.


Well great…then "we"can all agree…Trump won. :sunglasses:

POTUSINO (in name only)
Even you will acknowledge ‘Ol Joe is being handled and his “policy” is an agenda of others. Joe Biden hasn’t had an original idea in 47 years and his assertions he’s “that guy” that moved legislation is farcical. He boasted being “that guy” that used tax dollars to extort the Ukrainian government to fire a special investigator looking into an energy company his son enjoyed a seat on that company’s board. Wonder what other “that guy” deals Biden used his power an position to achieve. Or did someone else do or say those things and “You know me I’m that guy” simply took credit for it. He’s been known for doing that a coupla times in the last 47 years.

Listened to Scott Adams, very interesting -thanks for sharing.

To Adams point, Biden likely only doing one debate seems to be getting serious consideration by the Dems too.

Add to that that how the VP debate won’t happen if this Tuesday does not 1st go off as planned.

That being said, replacing Biden before election day and no matter how many debates occur seems unlikely, especially with early voting already commencing in some states.

My guess is Biden does two debates skipping out on the 3rd one.

The Dems strategy could be to show a little more than the bare minimum of Biden here to the viewing audience.

How many undecideds voters are really left out there anyway?

Why? Because Chris Wallace will only ask the Prez judgmentally about his taxes, the ‘Rona and his SCOTUS nomination?
Agreed ‘Ol Joe will nod in agreement and perhaps denounce DJT as “unfit” , a coupla “C’mon man” then (wait for it) the exclamatory “you know the thing”!

The debate topics were set a couple weeks ago. I don’t remember “Imaginary butt hurt “ being on the list.