How many debates will Biden actually participate in?

Says…willl…have to look at it.

Derp derp derp.


Man oh man…looks like a target rich environment. Where will Joe begin? Do you think he’s practicing remembering those incidents…at this very moment?

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You’re getting desperate my friend…and it’s showing. :sunglasses:

…were forwarded to govt account for archiving, and no secret information was discussed.

If memory serves right. You know… the two things Hillary didn’t do, that made it illegal.

A long pattern of shocking criminality that’s been proven in the Trump family versus right wing scandal mongering that some Republicans are saying “this is obvious ■■■■■■■■■■

This won’t go well for Trump, who should be the last person trying to talk about fraud and. Irruption unless he wants to open the door to talking about his and his families established pattern of proven fraud and corruption.

I can’t wait :slight_smile:

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Yep…with Trump…what you see is what you get.

Biden has been hiding all of his corruption for years and only now, that the last Administration and many of the internal left overs are being replaced, the truth is finally coming to the surface.

I can’t wait. :sunglasses:

Nome that happened and it’s not known if classified info was discussed. They went through a Trump organization server in Trump Tower.

Read what I posted again. Why would she forward emails to her gov account? Her only excuse was that she didn’t know the rules.

Durham, any dayyyy now!

Derp derp derp .

Yeah…that’s right. She was qualified to be POTUS but too stupid to know she was doing wrong. :sunglasses:

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That was the excuse Ivanka gave. If you had read what I posted you would know this.

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She probably figured…what the heck, it worked for Hillary? :sunglasses:

Is there any question about it?

I guess trump supporters lack vision.

Biden will show up for 3.

Harris will show up for 1.

The only question is will trump show?


I sincerely hope the Trump crowd keeps pushing this whole “Biden won’t show for the debates” thing. Any undecided voters will get to witness Biden being there for all 3 debates.

Hopefully, Trump doesn’t get a hard question and start talking about blood flowing from wherever.

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Scott Adams.

The scott Adams who predicts that republicans will be hunted down should biden win.

Comn get serious OP?


Who cares what Pelosi says on the subject?

Oh no… Not Rand Paul!!!


Apparently, the Trump folks have some kind of fascination with anything Pelosi, AOC, or Hillary

It really is the oddest thing. They went all in on “Biden has lost it” but then after a great DNC speach, a great town hall they started panicking and change this “he’s a great deabter…but probably won’t show up” despite Biden already agreeing to all 3 debates.

Actually, go back further it was “Dems are too far left to vote for Biden” and “Biden will fall apart in the debate with Bernie”

It’s the oddest campign strategy I’ve ever seen.


Trump really, really wanted to face Bernie Sanders and not biden.


Biden is a very sick and very old man that is past it - he belongs in a nursing home.

Shame on his wife and family for allowing him to run for President in the state he is in.
