How many Americans will even notice one ioata if USAID goes bye bye?


Yeah, valid. :roll_eyes:


By valid I mean… approved by Congress and executed as approved.

Fraud would be either approved by Congress and not executed as approved OR not approved by Congress and executed.

You may not like that the money was spent that way… but not liking something does not necessarily equal fraudulent/illegal

Never said fraud.

Nice of you to use that word tho.

My point is that we taxpayers have been paying for idiocy. And spreading idiocy around the globe.

I mean what legitimate reason would there be for American taxpayers to pay for sex change operations in Guatemala?

Oh and on a separate note, way to step up.


Regarding religious relief organizations, I think we ought to be careful about calling down the power of the government.

By and large they are chartered to help the needy, without regard to any conditions other than need. At least on paper, in principle, they are supposed to assist with basic human needs without becoming agents of the State.

In principle.

We don’t know if any of them are saying, “Quick! You can hide in here…”

I’m not sure how the government can breach the church-state wall to audit this.

Then again, it IS the government’s money (which translates to my money).

Right now the cut-off of funding is not because of improprieties by these organizations. It’s a blanket cut-off for all agencies. I expect that the State Department will reopen funding of necessary organizations. And I expect it will be done quickly to quell the backlash of sad stories that this is precipitating.


no, by ending the programs that support US market creation in developing nations. But again, it’s not a problem. China’s already stepping in to buy that influence.


Stuff the really matters now falls under state department.

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do you actually think the catholic relief actually is stealing from anyone.


i know that is a foreign concept for the cult.


There are numerous links in the thread indicating as such.

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Did say you did. I was just pointing out that rampant (provable) fraud would be an objective reason to shutdown usaid.

Not shutting it down because someone doesn’t like how Congress approved money was spent

In your opinion…

I can’t think of one… is that actually something we paid for with usaid?

I saw nothing that point to proven fraud.

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:rofl: the vatican is very wealthy. Usaid is a checkbook for these greedy politicians. They are using our money against us.


Ft. Bend county. Figures.

Why weren’t they doing it before?

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USAID paid millions and millions of dollars to ship illegal in and give them gift bags. :+1:


seeing this too now. not surprised. i am surprised that it is being revealed.

just a glimpse of what politicians do. no wonder democrats are pissed


Oh they were - we had competing spheres of interest all over the world and overlapping programs in some countries. As we pull out they’ll step in. Chinese companies will get access to the resources.

Heard a USAID worker claim that immigrants will become a burden without USAID.

So exactly how is the taxpayer debt no burdened then?

Some really stupid people spending our taxes.


They are. Belt and road.

Sounding more and more like a slush fund for the woke lib pet projects.

They should can the whole thing.

No more USAID.