How many Americans will even notice one ioata if USAID goes bye bye?


The speed that trump is moving is incredible. Just 2 weeks in and this much has been accomplished. This will be a terrific 4 years.


Speed and scope are key. Trump has the crooked Dems on their heels.

They were abusing the money horribly.


I read a supportive article on BBC about the organization. BBC mentioned that much of the funding for BBC Media charity came from that agency. I then went to a website for the charity and it gave its mission as fighting misinformation and disinformation around the world. Examples were fighting gender stereotypes in India, bringing climate change to discussions about drought in the Sudan, and supporting LGBQT rights in Ukraine.
IOW, the agency does work to support humanitarian assistance. It also supports a political agenda around the world, often through support for third party organizations.

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Amazing how Democrats really became outraged when someone started following the money. Wonder why?


Basically a slush fund for leftist pet projects.

End the entire thing.

Not one more cent.

And we need to take a magnifying glass to every other spending program.

Especially an audit needs to be fone of the billions sent to Ukraine.

My bet is Zelensky’s bank account has grown substantially during the last few years.


Did it come out of their pockets? Was it their personal sacrifice? They are using tax payers’ money.


:+1: :rofl:


I can’t believe people thought she would win. Some people had map predictions with her winning every swing state plus Texas, Iowa, and Florida. What kind of echo chamber must you be living in to believe that? I realize everyone except me thought Hillary would beat him, but Harris? Nothing pointed to that.


I’ve heard even her internal polling never had her ahead.


Internal Dem polls showed that she was losing. They had the propaganda machine running at full speed.

Example of said propaganda.

The same one over 90% of the media belong to.

I beg to differ. I knew he would win from the moment he rode the escalator down in Trump Tower.

You forget the vast bulk of the media broadcast the propaganda, CBS heavily edited her word salads on 60 minutes and polling outfits intentionally skewed their polling to support her.

And now we are seeing why the media broadcast her propaganda. They were on the USAID gravy train.

How many polling outfits got USAID money?

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You guys have drawn conclusions on snipets and social media posts.

I mean it’s par for the course but nobody actually wants to wait and see

I wonder what USAID was doing in South Africa that got Elon all mad……

for humanitarian relief.

i know that is a foreign concept for you.


No, I am going off of and have posted what Trump and Musk have said is in the slush fund.

Wow, where did that come from.

What exactly foes the US spending 2 million dollars on sex change operations in Guatemala have to do with SA?

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Right. Allegations

Where did what come from? What was USAID doing in South Africa that got Elon all mad? Is he not from South Africa?

Like i said it should be audited and the spigot should be shut down. The slush fund nonsense is you guys swinging too far. Like everyone always does.

More like wasting and abusing.


I’m sure American farmers will love the 2 billion dollar reduction in sales.

None so blind as those who refuse to see.

Mighty big assumption there.

Or is this the new narrative they gave you?

Typical tactic. Trying to shift focus from the idiocy that is USAID and place it on Musk.

Kinda like when a lawyer attacks a witness in order to attempt to discredit their testimony.

How very lawyer :face_vomiting: of you.

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Not assumption. Allegation. None are so blind?

USAID should be audited and probably shut down.

You guys are swinging too far. You (collectively) won’t understand it until you give dems the breathing room they need. Audit it. Shut it down. Quit assuming everything is true.

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Does anyone know what the purpose of the Government Accountability Office is/does?

This is from the website.

GAO provides Congress, the heads of executive agencies, and the public with timely, fact-based, non-partisan information that can be used to improve government and save taxpayers billions of dollars.

The people that run this department should be the next ones called to testify in front of congress.

I’m not seeing how they are meeting their mission statement.