How low can Joe make it go?

Yes, Biden et al have dropped the ball on the border as it has been overwhelmed with more immigrants then they can handle. I’m not attempting to give him a pass on that. But I also don’t think illegal immigrants are the existential crisis to our country some of you think it is.

Any in particular?

Biden is completing the holes.

I’m sorry that differing opinions frustrate you.

Let me know if you need more straw.

Differing opinions are welcome.

Endless blather from someone who’s been shown to have no idea what the hell he/she/whatever is talking about but seems to obviously take pleasure in just being annoying and contrary is something I avoid.

Bye bye then.

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Saying one welcomes differing opinions from one side of the mouth and then attacking the person with the differing opinions because you don’t like their opinions with the other side of the mouth isn’t really welcoming differing opinions.

Hispanic American Citizens are turning Republican. Unknown people from God knows where will vote Democrat, but thanks for confessing that illegal aliens vote.

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Quote me where I said illegal aliens can vote.

You actually want to make the claim that tens of thousands of illegal aliens in the caravans climbed “cheap ladders” to scale the wall? You really want to claim that???

No, I believe most of the big caravans were heading towards ports of entry.

IMO they believe it but will NEVER admit it.

Such bad faith. :frowning:

Every single one of the Dem candidates raised their hand during that debate(2020) that they would offer free health care to illegals.


I am happy to consider differing opinions…but I also have a right to evaluate the legitimacy of nonsense that has already been dealt with and just continues to be a series of random questions posted for the pure purpose of being disagreeable…

Which is all you have to offer.

I m done with your games.


Nonsense. I’m not playing games. Don’t lash out at me just because you failed to convince me to agree with you.

China has worked through its intra-US interests to install Comrade Cho Xiden to destroy as much of the US economy, military and morale as possible as quickly as possible. It can and will get a lot worse until the Dems have their hands pried free from the levers of power.

Like these types of ongoing acquisitions by ChiComs in America that nobody seems to care about?
We haven’t even figured out the tens of thousands of Chi Com “students” in this country infiltrating academia, research and other technology sectors stealing proprietary information or moving anti-American “clubs” agenda forward.
Wake up America.

Which is why I keep saying and praying that November will be an extinction level event for democrats…

This bunch on the liberal left must not and cannot be trusted any longer to guide this country…

They must be relegated to fringe minority status, (which by the way actually is the reality of where these people are…a fringe minority party catering to the wealthy elites)…

“ For decades, the mantra for Democrats during a national election was “Republicans are in the pockets of special interests.” Now, more and more people have come to believe that the Democrats are aligned with the “special interests.” The question is — as they hobnob with Big Tech billionaires, Hollywood celebrities, music executives, internet “influencers” and woke corporate CEOs — do they take even a moment to catch up on the actual news of the day?..
Much of the news is financially and mentally crushing working-class Americans and those living below the poverty line. Or, to classify those constituencies in a category the Democratic elites might understand: Tens of millions of voters… As the elites who pull the levers of the Democratic Party continue to appease their far-left wing with the Jan. 6 hearings; a Green New Deal costing at least $6 trillion (yes, trillions of dollars); forgiving college loans for predominantly wealthy white kids; and the redistribution of wealth, most Americans are literally crying out for help with factors that are negatively impacting their lives and their safety…Again, current events may not be talking points at five-star, private jet-accessible retreats that these elites attend, so here is a recap: Crippling gas prices may cause some Americans to choose between food and fuel; skyrocketing inflation forces some to do without; violent crime rates in major cities threaten to spread to suburbs; unchecked illegal immigration adds unsustainable stress to our health care system, constituent services and federal, state, county and city budgets, and is literally costing lives. We know this because the “real news” that elites may have missed or turned away from tells us that, just this week, at least 51 migrants were found dead in an abandoned tractor-trailer in Texas. Shouldn’t such a tragic development be a topic of discussion at the next cocktail party?”

It’s time to take the country back from these out of touch lunatics.


Thanks Joe


Biden nomics…

The gift of lifelong politicians who couldn’t keep a job in the private sector and instead get rich peddling influence and giving lip service to problems they have no interest in or ability to solve.


Well here we are- still. TJ is literally taking everything he touches right down the toilet. A trillion dollar bribe with the stroke of a pen on top of the highest inflation in 40 years, the housing bubble bursting, out of control crime, an invasion of illegals and it’s no wonder the stock market continues to drop. So far he’s done nothing positive for the country whatsoever, except for maybe making us all think a little more fondly of Jimmy Carter.

So much for retirement in 3 years. I didn’t want my 401 K anyway. So what if 40 years of working and planning is being wiped out daily by the Satanic clown. I can hardly wait for those 87 thousand more IRS agents to start diligently working to see that no one making under 400 k a year will pay one penny more in taxes under TJs plan! Yeah right…

What a piece of ■■■■ he is.


Looks like “The Big Guy” (aka Brandon) is down to 38% approval.