How low can Joe make it go?

The Democrat Plan for the Mid-Terms.

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Then after mid terms they will raise everything back to where it was.

They hope people are really really stupid.


Not to worry prices aren’t coming down.
Fall is coming. Home heating oil, propane demand is going to piss consumers off because of increases. Natural gas and electricity rates already have gone up.
During winter more people die from cold than heat in the summer months. You just watch what people are capable of doing when it gets cold and they can’t afford to heat their homes.


Many are.


Let’s hope for a big October cold snap because you are right, if voters see those bills before the election Democrats are in a world of hurt.

Oh and one is six families in the US are already over ninety days behind in their utility bills.


They’ll raise things higher than before because they have nothing to lose. Yes, their base is really really stupid.


Just in time for Christmas.

'“If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” Ebenezer Scrooge (aka Klaus Schwab).

July and August electric bills for me were both record setters. July was about 75 dollars higher than ever and August was more than 40 dollars higher. Only because I shut everything down to bare minimum after my July bill. That’s what Libs are doing, seeing exactly what the break point is between how much they can steal and still have enough drones working to steal from…

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Well “81 million” of ‘em supposedly were stupid enough to vote for an admitted segregationist a pathological liar and a flunkie for progressive ideologs.

Same people believing that buy swamp land in Florida.

Watch it. Developers buy swamp land all the time then drain it, fill it in, sort of stabilize it and develop it. It’s why there’s coyotes, an occasional puma, gators and other predators strolling through these new McMansion neighborhoods.

I’ll take my chances with those predators over the ones Libs are gleefully allowing to roam the streets.

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Hey you betcha. A gator, bear or a puma known to be in the vicinity tend to keep unwanted pain in the asses away! :rofl:

Ok, thought I’d revive this thread now that 22 is over. Last year sucked profit wise, I literally didn’t make a penny. I did take advantage of low prices to buy, but every stock I own is still WAY down and the ones I bought aren’t moving.

Now I know TJ doesn’t directly control the market. But the market IS largely driven by news and sentiment, and we haven’t had any good news since TJ was elevated to power. Quite the opposite. He is destroying this country in every level. If there was a stock that was based on the normalizing of perversion, it would be soaring, but stocks based on good expectations such as companies making money have tanked and don’t seem inclined to rise anytime soon. Apparently, no one is expecting TJ to do anything beneficial whatsoever to our country and the economy during the remainder of his 4 year reign of economic terror. Even green companies, which TJ and his merry band of incompetent idiots have been jamming down our throats aren’t really taking off . You would think EV companies, for example would be skyrocketing, but they too are languishing under the policies TJ has implemented.

I also know TJ isn’t alone in his stupidity and tyranny. The world seems to be ruled by people of similar ineptitude and tyrannical desires, but as the most powerful of the worlds idiots, you would think he’d at least want to see his minions do well so that they will continue to vote for him and other members of his party. Instead, he continues to do one stupid thing after the other, oblivious to the sentiment reflected in a continuously dropping market.

What I don’t get is that the market temporarily rose when TJ was pronounced victorious in his absentee run for office. How in the world could so many people not see the disaster he was about to bring upon America? It’s almost as if this decline was planned by some global agenda… :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Let’s see what happens to the markets when Republicans start holding the country hostage later today.

Given how far down it is, yet again, I don’t see how it can go much farther, but then we do still have 2 more years of TJ. Never underestimate the power of stupid.

(Republican infighting over what to demand for their hostage taking craters markets)

“Damn you Biden!”

Pretty sure the libs could have done something already when they owned all three branches. But they didn’t so now it is the GOP fault if they don’t kneel to the left demands.