How does the US actually rank in mass shootings Per Capita?

Los Angeles about 15 seconds including a failure to fire.

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Go to the source … start with the link provided in the OP.

Out of curiosity, what would you do with the data? How would you adjust it per the numerous definitions?

Hi Samm. Not being rude, but I kept saying I’d like to see the data because I couldn’t find a link to it in the OP article. Unless Im missing it. That’s why I’m so curious. It’s a claim that I think is inaccurate or misleading, but I don’t know what numbers he’s using. I’d like to see the list of mass shootings they used, and which ones they didnt include. Also a country breakdown.

All you need to know is that when the variables are numerous, the data can show whatever you want it to.

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That may be enough for you. I want to know how others are using data and interpreting it. And I want to know what data they’re using. When people are horribly misinterpreting data, its good to know. So I can ignore those awful claims. Or know what horrible claims get pushed online. So at Christmas when my aunt/uncle/mom/sister says some crazy thing, I know where it came from.

Only 50 mass shootings? :rofl:

This is the Internet … you can accept or ignore anything you want to make your point. :wink:

Yeah, but you did tell me to go to the OP for information and then asked how I would modify it. But with no information I cant do what you asked.

The source data is here -

The NRA made so much money during the Obama Administration they thought they could compete with Netflix. They got us debating whether or not “cop killer” bullets should be legal.

Studies have shown SYG has actually increased crime.

Name those studies.

Or hiding under cover hoping the perp will run out of ammo or shoot him/herself before they are ordered to assault the building.

Putting your hands up usually works.

Seriously? What exactly do you think a “cop killer bullet” is?

I can shoot a standard game load from several of my rifles that will go through a whole stack of outfitted swat cops lined up to breech a door.

Yes, by all means show us the studies.

The “study” doesn’t distinguish between lawful and unlawful homicides.

The murder rate dropped by about a third in the five years following the passage of SYG.

Believe it or not many things affect the overall crime rate.

As much as 85-95% of violent crimes committed in Urban Areas is directly tied to drugs and gang activity. Most of the victims are other gang members so pro active anti crime measures like SYG will have a very small effect on the overall rates.

The point of liberalized self defense laws isn’t necessarily to reduce crime, it’s to enable us to defend ourselves lawfully without fear of going to prison for doing so.

Thank you

What’s wrong is the morons who think they can just pop off and shoot somebody and claim they were standing their ground. Most of them (the morons) end up in jail, but we don’t hear much about that for some reason. That and the fact the such laws should be completely unnecessary in a country where keep and bear arms is an integral part of our very founding documents.