How does the US actually rank in mass shootings Per Capita?

Criminals make a lot of stupid claims when they are caught and murderers have been falsely claiming self defense for as long as we’ve had self defense exemptions from prosecution.

Explain in detail please why it is that the law abiding victim should be forced to flee rather than risk prosecution.

No, I said to go to the OP link. Surely from that you can glean information that can set you on a Google search for what you seek.

Really? Do you have evidence of that … any of it … that you would like to share with the class?

There was not information there. There wasnt a link.

They shouldn’t, and a law doesn’t make self defense any more obvious than it already is. If you are allowed to carry, concealed or otherwise, it is self evident that you have a right to defend yourself.

Only for the bad guys … when the cops finally get there.

The reason may be too obvious for you. Its because it rarely happens.

Snide remark aside, I’ve been in Florida for five years and it’s happened here several times at least since then.


Click on the box with the picture above.

In the absence of SYG you have a duty to retreat/flee rather than stand your ground and engage.

Only if all of your options to safely escape have been taken from you can you legally defend yourself.

You really should take some time to familiarize yourself with Florida’s self defense statutes since you claim to live in the state.

It would certainly put you in a much better informed position to have an intelligent discussion on the subject in the future.

This is all bad data and statistics from everyone’s favorite beacon ti truth John R. Lott, Jr. Maybe with additional research by Mary Rosh.

It’s already been reviewed in depth.

I already know you guys don’t believe in statistics or actually looking at the research behind things, so I don’t expect facts to change any of your beliefs this time around either.

Read your own citation.

Our conclusion is that this is accurate based on the CPRC’s definition of a mass shooting, but also extremely misleading.

They don’t like that he’s correct but he’s correct.

I am stating my opinion. Rather than make SYG law, they should get rid of laws saying you must flee. They are wrong on the face of things.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you don’t understand the law.

All SYG does is remove any duty to retreat by statute.

Where does the duty to retreat come from?

Liberal soft on crime whiners and judges that believe you have no right to use force in your own defense unless you have no other option or ability to flee.

So how did you hear about it if we don’t hear about it? Were you personally involved?

Mostly what I have heard coming out of Florida is cases that do not involve SYG being called SYG by the Media. Like the handicapped parking space dispute killing … that did not fit the description of SYG. That’s why the guy was convicted. He had no legal justification to use deadly force.

Or the Zimmerman shooting … SYG was never claimed by Zimmerman or the Police and did not apply because it did not meet the criteria. That was pure and simple self defense.

I think like most gun shy liberals, you are confused because you don’t know the law.

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There are local news stories on them, but they don’t often get national attention like the shootings do, and I just looked at about half a dozen of them in Florida in recent history where the claims of SYG were false and they were arrested. One was found guilty just a couple of months ago.

You made it to the fourth paragraph. Congrats. What does it then say about the honorable Mr. Lott’s definition of mass shooting? Or how about how the rankings change when the more accurate median is used rather than mean?

Which takes us back to what I said earlier, murderers/violent criminals have been claiming self defense for at least as long as we’ve had self defense exemptions.

That in no way devalues SYG for legitimate self defense cases.