How does the US actually rank in mass shootings Per Capita?

I’m far from an expert, but I can’t think of any developed countries with more gun rights than America.

Guns don’t have rights. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here?


Again, I don’t know what you’re trying to say.

Are you saying a disarmed populace is some kind of sign of “developed”?

Besides from lawless countries such as Somalia, doesn’t the United States have more guns and laws protecting gun owners than anywhere else?

Suddenly, libs want gang violence to count as public mass shootings in America. They want us to have the high mass shooting rate. lol

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Afghanis have more Freedom than we do, and libs still want to take more away. :man_shrugging:

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I would agree. I have looked at data from different places on school shootings…did you know they classify a school shooting as something that happened within a block of a school…or involved a gang drive by shooting of a student walking home from school or walking on school property, even if the intended target was the only person shot. Statistics are made to be manipulated.

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Yes they can.

Yes it is.

Ridiculous. That’s simply a myth perpetrated by hoplophobes to deamonize the NRA. Personally, I wish the NRA was even half as effective as you and your ilk claim that they are.

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It is a difficult task. Even in the US the definition is not consistent. It ranges from four not counting the shooter to three counting the shooter. Some definitions separate shootings by the same gunman at if there is a “cooling off” break between shootings and some call that one incident. And once you go global, the range gets even wider. Even gun shy Australia calls it five not counting the shooter. (Their agenda is to prove that their laws prevent mass shootings.)

What is wrong specifically with SYG? Why should you be denied the right to defend yourself especially in your own home, business or on your own property otherwise?

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And I’m not saying they’re wrong, but I want the actual data.

Ask them what the alternative is, I bet they don’t know.

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Yes, it certainly is.

There are 3 classes of mass shootings, not one. No matter which numbers you use.

Los Angeles and San Diego are excellent examples of two of the three.

And I am saying that data is subjective depending on the definition.

“When seconds count the cops are just minutes away.”

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Yes Samm. I get that. But I want to see the data they are using.