How does Bidenomics help the economy?

What the left is doing is the balance. It’s not like we’re trying to turn off all fossil fuels tomorrow. Nobody is proposing going back to the stone age. Also, believe it or not, there are a bunch of us on the left who are pro-nuclear. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be much of a push for it by those in power.

Why do you think people are receiving hundreds of dollars per week?

Laws are passed by legislators. In the South, all the way through the 60’s Democrats we’re in control at all levels of government. If Democrats really were the freedom loving, equality believing, anti racists they claim to be, they could have ended Jim Crow and every other racist institution in existence at the time. If you recall, when school segregation was ended, it was a DEMOCRAT governor that stood in that school doorway. If you admit racism has and does exist in the Democrat party, why doesn’t your side tell your leaders who play the race card constantly to shut the hell up! Because they make reasonable Democrats like you look bad.

P.S. did you vote for any of those leaders who play the race card continually? Fess up…

Parents are getting at least 300.00 a month per child.( My daughter and son in law just got 600.00 for their two kids, and they both have worked through Covid) Renters are not having to pay their rent. People are getting higher than normal unemployment checks, Stimulus checks are being sent out for different reasons… take all the amounts the government is paying people under the pretext of Covid relief and divide that amount by four. There’s your weekly amount.

People are no longer getting extra unemployment benefits. Those expired in September. In fact, my Republican governor dropped them June 26th. It hasn’t made a bit of difference. Everyone is still hiring. Even our local Amazon distributor raised their pay to $23 an hour and still can’t get help. There is more to what we are seeing than what you’re claiming.

The $300 a month per child is just an advance on a tax credit.

I’m all for nuclear power. It isn’t coming anytime soon. It isn’t balance when people are being forced and they can’t afford it. How many people can afford a Tesla right now? For those who can, there still isn’t enough charging stations to allow long range travel. Also, it is not my job or the government prerogative to force me to pay, through taxes, for those charging stations. Like gas stations, charging stations should be payed for by the companies that will profit from them.

On a personal note, I’m invested in green energy stocks in a few companies. I truly hope they skyrocket and make lots of money BUT, the stocks are very volatile because right now the risk is high and companies aren’t seeing profits right now. I am making a CHOICE to spend and risk my money, it is not the governments right to force me to. I would think half a billion dollar boondoggles like Solyndra would teach even Democrats a lesson, but apparently not. UNLESS, of course, there’s another motive behind what they’re doing.

This is an incomplete view of history, and ignores the political realignment that happened during the Civil Rights era.

Isn’t the eviction moratorium over? Or is it a state by state thing? In my state a friend of mine got a notice their rent was going up next month by $600. Crazy.

Did you read what I wrote? Southern politicians, Republican and Democrat voted against the CRA. Do you acknowledge that?

Northern politicians voted for the CRA, both Dems and Repubs. Do you acknowledge that?

So the racism, as defined by the vote, was along geographical lines, not political. Do you understand that?

I agree. So how come we only hear about how REPUBLICANS are racists and white supremacists? Are you familiar with all the racist things Joe Biden has said? Just a week or so ago, he revived a derogatory word for African Americans that went out of use in the 70s. Why isn’t the left calling him racist and white Supremacist? Kamala Harris DID call him a racist during her campaign? When did you guys forget that? You guys blasted Trump for what he did 50 years ago, but not a peep from what Biden did last week?

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There are cheaper EVs then a Tesla. You can also still buy and use gas. And its not liberal policies causing the price of gas to go up.

P[quote=“DisturbedGuy, post:105, topic:240700, full:true”]

People are no longer getting extra unemployment benefits. Those expired in September. In fact, my Republican governor dropped them June 26th. It hasn’t made a bit of difference. Everyone is still hiring. Even our local Amazon distributor raised their pay to $23 an hour and still can’t get help. There is more to what we are seeing than what you’re claiming.

Granted. But you don’t put out a fire with gas. Do you think now is a good time to be firing people, especially in critical jobs, over unscientific and unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates?

Yeah, it’s called savings. They will be back at work after they run out.

Why didn’t the right call out Trump for the stuff he said?

We can’t pretend that the right doesn’t do the same and ignore what their own side does. Both sides should call out their own more. But neither do.

That’s not true. First, no one should receive back more in taxes than they pay. It is not my job to pay other people to have and raise kids! Second: if parents are already receiving more back than they pay in, then the idea that they’re only getting in advance what they shouldn’t be getting in the first place is doubly stupid! The money parents are getting is coming out of non parents pockets.
Third: how much tax money is going to illegals? Joe is about to give away 450K per person to people who broke our laws and brought a child along for the ride. It isn’t enough Joe is stealing us blind for Americans, now he wants to lure more illegals in too, of course out of tax payer pockets!

Did the landlords get a moratorium on what they owed during the time tenants got to live rent free? No, of course not. Crazy indeed. How many will lose their property because the back money will not ever be made up?

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P[quote=“Dem, post:115, topic:240700, full:true”]
Why didn’t the right call out Trump for the stuff he said?

We can’t pretend that the right doesn’t do the same and ignore what their own side does. Both sides should call out their own more. But neither do.

Trump was an ■■■■■■■■ BUT, he put America first in everything he did.

That’s not an excuse to not call out your own. Thats literally the same thought process for the left, when they don’t call out their own.

“He says dumb things, but he enacts policies I like”

People lost their jobs. It was an imperfect solution to a difficult to tackle problem.